A few minutes passed and the fire mutants James put to sleep finally woke up. Their memory was a little blurred so they did not know what had happened previously. That was until they were each informed of what had happened.

"Damn it," Miv complained as usual. "Why does it happen that people are constantly kidnapping Max? This is getting frustrating."

"It just doesn't make sense." Moka said. "First the beast, now this strange blonde man who mysteriously put us all to sleep through speaking!"

"Even more importantly," CJ whimpered. "They never kidnap me." Moka and Sue punched his shoulders for that terrible and insensitive remark he made, but Miv found it humoring.

"Now, how are we going to find him." 

"With this." Fisk and Eva said as they walked into the dining tent, the last place Max was. He showed all of them the slim screen that had a red beacon that beeped repeatedly. 

"What's that supposed to be?"