Max's heart began beating faster as the remaining beasts charged at him at full speed. The bone worms burrowed in unison while the hippo crocs rammed each other in hopes to get to Max first.

The fire mutant wasn't so sure he'd be able to handle all of them at once so he initiated a wild goose chase by running away from the beasts. Since the hippo crocs had short, stubby legs, they were much slower than the bone worms which basically swam in the sand.

'Damn it. There's no place for me to take cover from and it's getting more tiresome running in this thick sand…..'

A large bone worm moved past Max's legs and shot out of the ground with great force. A great load of sand rushed over Max and covered him. The worm used this opportunity to wrap itself around his body as it squeezed tight. Max couldn't move an inch and the worm's increasing grip was starting to hurt his body.