Squad 2

"Akira?" Reia poked her head into the bedroom and spotted Akira sitting at the end of the bed facing away from the door. 

No response came from him, but Reia still walked closer as she needed to know he was okay. As she got closer, she noticed that Akira was actually crying and the subtle sobs just reached her ears. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Reia sped up and sat down next to Akira who was still unresponsive. 

Not having many options, she hugged Akira while also patting his head and as much as she wanted to know why he was crying, she did not have the courage to ask. 

"I-I tried so hard." Finally speaking, Reia attentively listened to make sure she heard everything. 

"I wish I didn't abandon them that day." Akira who hadn't told what happened with his squad began to recall the events. He needed to say it as his mind has been plagued especially since when finding Reia's squad prayed he would find one of his own. 


<1 month ago>