Save yourself

Sapphire looked down both ends of the street and found there was a moment of silence on the street. Gesturing for everyone to follow, they made their way across the street into the next alley.

They repeated this process over and over again until they found something that could be used as a proper base.

"Do you think we could just use an apartment?" Sumire didn't see why they had to go for something more since staying in a row of apartments would be just as effective.

"Well, we don't know what these monsters or mutants are capable of, so staying in an apartment could spell our death. You never know they might be able to sniff us out or even sense us." Akira wasn't taking any chances, especially with an unknown creature running about.

"Fair." Sumire couldn't argue and even if she did, Akira was the one with the final say in the end.

Continuing forward they found themselves by gate 2 and a potential place to stay.