Distraction [Shrine attack Part 2]

After Kadi killed her first guard, it was time for the big operation. However, before they started, the guard that asked if there were intruders, decided to investigate since it had gone silent. 

Kadi and Lou were on either side of the first floor waiting for the man to walk in. Lou let Kadi take the kill, but wouldn't hesitate to jump in if things got messy and Kadi couldn't kill him. 

"Garry!" The man yelled out as he stepped inside, but as he did a bullet came from the side hitting him directly in the head. Kadi fired one of her silent shots and killed the man without hesitating. 

'I did it.' This time it felt a lot different and there was no regret or any feelings of sorrow for the man. She was shocked at herself and thought for a moment she was a monster.