Confronting Lumi [Shrine attack Part 3]


With Kim firing her sniper, the shrine group ran up the massive staircase. There were no guards on the stairs, but it wasn't long for a flood of them to run out. 

This was to be expected and so as they ran onto the stairs, Reia and her group fired at them. This caught them by surprise and already half of the guards were rolling down the stairs. This backfired as now Reia, Akira, Echo, Jayde and Aoi were dodging bodies.

However, due to the guards losing about half of their squad, they ran back to the shrine out of fear. The fact alone that they were so accurate and efficient only meant they were up against people who had years of experience compared to their few months.

This helped the squad out as it allowed them to reach the top without having to fight an uphill battle which would have been a major disadvantage to them.

Stopping at the last few steps, they used it as cover as the guards sat behind the doors of the shrine.