You Picked The Wrong Side

Patches of blood could be seen on the floor, and dense blood allied with saliva dripped from Victor's mouth.

His overall height increased and towered over the prince of Bloodfang Kingdom, he was 7'5 feet tall. His muscles bulged, thick fur covered his body, and claws which can be considered short daggers protruded out.

His clothes above his waist were torn by his muscles, and only the remains of his well designed royal pants were there to hid his secret parts.

That was all the clothes he had, however, he was not naked. The Black Peak Armour and other protective armaments extended their size to fit the body of the wearer.

The spear also enlarged and adjusted its volume and size suitable for the now larger hands of Victor Brownmane.

The morphing process was not long, it happened in mere 5 seconds.

The attention of other battlefields dwindled by the sudden surge of spiritual energy.