Red & White Tornado

The off-white qi surged out of his body as he dashed towards Salom. At that time, some figures appeared in his mind, he laughed bitterly and mumbled. "Heh, Lucky Bastards."

Those figures were John Stark, Farrie Holaleth, Leomond Tigerian and Akkar Boldheart. These figures chose the side of Ezra in the Spirity Bailiwick.

All of a sudden, in Salom's mind, Ezra's image grew from a thorny pebble to a majestic mountain.

He unleashed his scarlet qi and bolted out to meet the incoming attacker.

From one side, Zulfi Dimitry held the Paladin's Pledge and marched like a shining knight, his off-white qi made him look like a hero under the light of the full moon.

To his opposite, wielder of Soul Slicing Sword, Salom Uqually darted towards his opponent like a bloodthirsty warrior. The scarlet qi gave him an image of a bloodied killer carrying the flames of a burning sun.

Both powerful geniuses who could be friends but turned into enemies finally reached the centre of the ring.