A New Home for Failures

"What will I do now, I can't go back, there will be no one welcoming back a failure. I'm going to join this sect even if I have to die a year later. It's better to die fighting as a martial master than live as a coward quitter." He wailed and jumped back towards the platforms.

Seeing the sleeveless guy jump back towards the platform, many started to rethink their decision. But before they could move a voice hit their ears.

"Don't be a fool like him, life is valuable, you can easily join another 2nd-degree sect. Don't forget that Spirit Devouring Mountain is a 2nd-degree sect, not 1st-degree, treasure your life and rethink whatever you are thinking."

The one who said that was Natli, the cunning opportunist.

"But where will we go? You belong to a wealthy family but the majority of us are not. We were trained by our clans so that they can use us later on, our return will bring us a callous death." A boy said.