5 Questions

On the golden platform, the prince was in a sweat. His eyes fixated on the Demonic Mountain, a wavering smoky figure was hovering towards him.

What he saw was an addled shadow, its face was clandestine and its body was blurry like the very definition of shadow.

The shadowy figure finally came closer, the nearer it came the scarier its aura became.

The shadow stood before Ezra, around 10 meters away, it looked huge like a dark cave entrance.

1 minute - 2 minutes - 7 minutes - 15 minutes passed yet the shadow didn't speak neither it moved.

"Fenrir, should I ask him who is he?" He asked Fenrir.

Fenrir quickly retorted. "No, the one who'll speak first will lose. It is obvious who is it, one thing is sure that it doesn't have ill intentions towards you. Just stay alert and act clever."

The dead silence carried out for half an hour until the shadow spoke. "WHAT IS YOUR INTENTION?"

Ezra quickly covered his ears, blood popped out of his nose and his mind became giddy.