Haunting Memories

When his sword parried, he went with the motion and spun in the very right direction the sword was parried. With additional momentum made, he swung and raised his right leg.

Paul saw that too but he misjudged two things.

One, he believed the speed of a spinning kick would be slower than the speed of his glaive slicing his opponent open. But he quickly found that the speed was fast, much faster than he had possibly thought. This could only mean that he has practised it numerous times.

Despite witnessing the speed, he still went for the attack because of the second misjudgement he made.

He thought that the kick would be aimed at his chest or face, and yes it could have perfectly hit him. But the problem with that was his reach, a glaive was twice longer than a leg. He could cut him while keeping a safe distance.

But to his misfortune, Zulfi was not aiming at his body but aimed at his glaive.