54.3R Marathon Fight?



Guidance grumbled as she stirred from her sleep. She was pretty sure that she was dreaming, but the haziness in her mind made it all the harder for her to really determine what exactly she was seeing.

"Rise and shine, pretty."

She immediately mumbled... "Ugh... Shut up..."

It was her usual reply to any and all that tried to wake her up. From alarm clocks to her own mother, there was no way that she'd get up from bed without a fight. Turning over from the source of the wake-up call, she snuggled up to her suspiciously hard bed. It wasn't as soft or comfortable as what she was used to, but she had slept in worse conditions before.

"Okay, be that way..."

She couldn't help but snigger to herself at the man's resigned tone. It would seem that she had won this exchange, and she got to stay a bit longer in dreamland.