54.4 Marathon Fight?

I really did a number on her, huh... Then again, what was that saying about the fight and the general situation when I was more worried about my girlfriend's reaction to me doing her in her sleep than actually getting out alive?

Thinking about it, I was pretty sure it meant that I- or rather, we were starting to go stir crazy in this instance.

"Just pull the boss already," Guidance grumbled, the blush on her face still apparent as she shuffled her feet. "I want to get out of here before another day passes."

"You're the boss."


One shot rang out, and another pull was initiated as we went through our usual song and dance. Again. With no deviation from our usual strategies whatsoever. Honestly, it was so routine that, wait... haven't I thought about this before?

Damn... This place really was making us crazier the longer we spent our time here.