54.X Interlude: The Defeated

Vesper didn't know what to think as she saw all of her tricks fail her one after the other. Pulling out all the stops, she even used innovations that she swore should never see the light of day so long as she held control over them. In the end, however, it seemed as if it would all be for naught.

After all, she had been defeated.

"N-No! Noooo...."

Her voice failed her as she felt her entire body collapse as if she was a puppet whose strings had been ignobly cut before she was ready. Sprawling out on the cold hard ground of her ruined city, she could barely make out the cheers of the bastards that brought her low in the first place. That woman who had constantly stopped her from reaching her full potential excitedly voice out her intentions of never going back to Marquee, and honestly, Vesper was more than fine with that. If even their best wasn't able to contain them, then it was better that they never returned here in the first place.

'Still... This is a disaster...'