Chapter 4 part 1 To resurrection and war

The blades I forged were some of the most well forged pieces I had ever seen each strike was pin pointed with Taekwondo and every slant was adjusted with Ti-Chi the blades needed a quick sharpen and polishing to be completed.

The guards, pins and bolsters were made of the alloys I had made, each complimenting the blades balancing their weight and strong points.

The weapons were crafted in several days and Jackie had not laid a hand on them merely inspecting the finished pieces holstering them and taking them of to the client.

Jackie had arrived today as I finished my work with a large bag of coin and set it on the counter as he called me.

Jackie looked at me with a smile and said "Congratulations you have completed being my student and the emperor has sent you this tribute for the excellent swords you provided for his elite units to carry into battle soon."

My joy was cut short as I heard him say the nation would soon be in battle instantly I enquired "Who is it that's attacking?"

Jackie's reply had sent shivers up my spine as he said "The Spartan king Alexander."

Rameses had warned me that his brother would rip the world to shreds to find me and seal me away and worse still Alexander had advanced immortal weapons that the immortal followers never managed to destroy.

I had rushed of to my ship and arrived at my crypt checking all the panels before me to see what I could do to match immortal technologies.

The data I had entered on frequency adjustments through up 2 notifications, firstly I could now build precision chambers for making perfect metals and secondly I had completed the regeneration chamber to resurrect the dead with their last memories.

I instantly built 1 of these chambers and had decided to return to China by morning and help resurrect Jackie's dead wife then I would revive Hathor, mortality was no longer an issue provided the body of the dead individual was preserved.

Jackie had explained to me that his wife was buried in clay soil that kept the body preserved in death.

The next major thing forcing me to China first was the hidden buildings I had detected.

I may have to find my way into them and have myself learn immortal technology rapidly or worse stall the advance of Alexander while learning enough to defeat Alexander.

If the crypt happens to be another destroyed relic of the immortals I may need to turn to Rameses and hope that my new technology is enough to have him help me directly in a war with Alexander.

I had walked down to the pod being upgraded to the new technology all the electronics were vastly superior to their old configurations and more importantly I may have to hide my crypt during this war as Alexander would pass extremely close by to my crypt.

I had contemplated upgrading my ship further however considering my enemy I may very well need a new ship after this war.

There was almost no chance that China had prepared for war unless a proper threat had showed up.

I had been walking about my crypt observing several newly refined titanium threads and finely I had decided to make few new outfits for myself.

The newly made titanium thread was soft and unbelievably light and using this as my upper 4 layers meant I could using a single cotton layer to have comfort.

The threads may have been softer but they would almost instantly dull any blade that slammed into them.

Looking at my crypt I realized it may be centuries before I returned to this crypt.

Hathor's ship had been completed and set to rest itself in the ocean of the coast of China so that I could use it in a worst case scenario.

The healing pod that had been upgraded to now be a resurrection pod was ready I loaded it on my ship and quickly set course to China.

The sun had already risen and the city had been busy with their regular day to day activities however my ship came in rapidly to Jackie's shop.

The ship now stood before Jackie's door and I descended immediately calling Jackie to board.

Jackie boarded my ship and I finally spoke saying "I would like to grant you 2 things today, firstly I'd like to grant you your youth and secondly I would like to resurrect your wife to be with you once more."

Jackie looked at me with a look of extreme shock as the words I said undoubtedly took him by surprise.

Jackie suddenly gave me a smile nodding in acceptance of what I had said I walked him over to the pod and set him inside while the ship moved to his wife's grave I had dug up her grave and pulled out the corpse wrapped in cloth covered by clay.

I walked the corpse over to the pod and set it in the chamber, the pod sealed itself and started up the process.

Firstly it seemed to stop all cell decay then it started healing the corpse after 3 minutes a loud cracking noise was heard as the clay covered corpse expanded to a larger state.

All visible skin was still extremely pale and then suddenly the skin tone started to brighten up blood had started to flow through the body.

The last 2 steps consisted of all bodily organs reviving then a healing pulse awakening the mind.

Jackie's wife had resurrected and as the pod opened all you could hear was the young women screaming as the last memory she had was the memory of death.

The pod opened and the frantic woman looked at herself wondering what had happened.

Jackie walked into the room and instantly grabbed his wife embracing her in an ever so passionate embrace.

Tears rolled down his face and his frantic wife seemed to grow calm.

I hated to disturb the 2 but I had to explain what I had done "Jackie as you can see your wife is once more back however you have both been restored to your bodies prime state so get a feel to things before trying them, you will feel stronger and more sensitive so be careful."

Jackie had taken of his shirt and put it over his wife and replied "Thank you so much she is my everything and you have given me more then I could ever ask for if you ever need anything just ask."

Jackie's wife seemed extremely confused and it was no surprise to me I knew the pain you went through from being killed after several minutes had passed with Jackie explaining things to his wife it seemed she had been even more confused.

I had come up with an idea to help the woman and grabbed a large diamond from 1 of my components and simply stated "This is a magic stone that helps the fountain of youth flow just once for a person and it can turn back time on anyone, I used this power to revive you and restore Jackie so please keep this and hide it from all who seek the fountain. One last thing what is your name?"

The woman had calmed down instantly and replied "I am Kaguya thank you lord immortal, I will guard this magic rock so no one ever sees it again."

Jackie gave of a look of bewildered thanks and randomly wrapped his arms around me silently saying "I don't have words to thank you and I will never be able to repay you, if you ever want or need anything I am here."

I had handed Jackie a bracelet telling him to keep it safe till I came back to him to reclaim it and my ship glided ever so gracefully back to the shop and after it landed I let Jackie and his wife out.

Despite the thanks Jackie kept repeating to me I had greeted him saying "wish me luck."

The ship had settled before the emperors palace and I walked up the palace requesting an urgent audience with the emperor.

The guard seemed to allow me in sending a messenger ahead of me before long I was before the emperor.

The emperor set in his central chamber and spoke "Why is it that you seek an audience?"

I looked up replied "The war coming to your land maybe by 1 who can match my power or worse surpass it. Therefore I need your permission to dig into the chamber bellow your palace in hopes of finding a power to match."

The emperor suddenly stood up and asked "Will you fight to aid us in this war? Will you help my people live?"

I instantly replied "At current I intend to fight this enemy with all my might to protect not just your people but all people he may harm. I may intend to save your people but a great deal of people maybe lost after this campaign."

The emperor in loud commanding shout said "Help the immortal with whatever he needs."

I rushed over to a corner of his chamber and started digging into the floor soldiers carried away the dirt and brought me tools to excavate.

It was an immortals crypt, the hand reader was apparent as day to me and I knew that hope was now in my favour.