Chapter 4 part 3 The weapon

I had piloted the ship manually and this time I had flew to the ocean before cutting to Egypt.

Unfortunately I had never had the ship utilize this much power moving forward.

Most systems I had were extremely crude when I first started flying and around 99 percent of the ships power was wasted plus the energy source only produced fractions of the power it produced now.

Overall my manual piloting was never this fast, the trip had taken less then 20 minutes to Egypt.

I had entered into the city as the day had reached near midday and once I arrived I rushed over the court.

The noble court was absolutely congested as many of the nobles were inquiring as to weather or not Alexander had truly set about a campaign again.

The court was so worried that they hadn't even noticed me finally pushed my way to throne and announced "The Spartan kings name is Alexander considering the Spartan people use names finishing in s sounds his not a Spartan, secondly Spartans aren't warriors and the last time I was there they had barely enough people to conquer a single city now they conquered all of Europe it's the rebel movements revival."

The 2 other members from the city council stepped forward the first was named Hephaestus and he quickly said "Why don't we knock your ugly immortal ass out and hand you over to Alexander hoping that in turn he spars us from his conquest."

I hadn't had a chance to refute the statement when Rameses interjected "Hand over the immortal we pledged to several years ago, are you out of your fucken mind plus he is still unstoppable all you will achieve is getting killed so think before you speak."

Next the last head of the council spoke his name was Russell "We have pledged to this immortal and we are no rebels who turn on those who help us."

The 2 seemed to have quickly voted out the opinion of Hephaestus.

I quickly interjected "Once Alexander is neutralized I have perfect immortal technology to share with the people of this city so you will no longer need to worry plus the technology can resurrect the dead to the state they were in before death provided the brain is intact."

The court yard erupted in chatter and Rameses put his hand on my back and whispered "You bringing her back?"

The court had set out in preparation for war and Rameses had set out with me and Hathor's father accompanied us both.

I went over I plan to take Hathor's body out of her grave then have her brain and heart forced back into her body and start the regeneration process pulling her body back to life.

Rameses seemed to also cast a slightly sad face as I announced this and said "Well I guess my sister is going to hate you from the moment she sees the 2 of you happy together."

I could tell that Rameses was genuinely sad for his sister and felt the pain she would feel.

Hathor's father had rushed towards her house and Rameses had departed to start preparations on the war council.

I had quickly unloaded my resurrection pod and set it before Hathor's grave running cables into the room.

I was ready to open the tomb when I heard foot steps enter the area and I believed it to be Hathor's father however seconds later I felt an extreme poke in my back and fell to the ground dizzy as Hephaestus walked past me.

I was still conscious as he placed his large metal boot on my face and said "You immortals aren't that special you going to learn it now when I take your pod to Alexander."

The metal foot cracked the bones in my skull then the foot lifted and I saw what Hephaestus was wearing, he had a metal suit on that was undoubtedly not the work of any craftsman in this Era, the joints had some kind of electrical component that kept the common weakness sealed and the light that the suit gave off said it had something up its sleeve.

Hephaestus suddenly put his hand on the tomb and said "Did you know this worthless bitch said no to marrying me then you show up and take her for yourself. She will never be resurrected and you stupidly enough gave us rebels the perfect chance to replace you immortals for good after this. There will never come another rise of the immortals after this. I never thought I could top the moment that assassin I let in stabbed this bitch but now I will evaporate her and crush you asshole."

My blood seemed to boil and I instantly stood up and charged into Hephaestus, I hurled a punch into his gut and it landed my bones shattered as a pulse of energy bounced me of the armour.

I instantly got up and attacked once more however the shield activated once more I was tossed across the room.

This time however as I got up the large metal boot smashed my face in, my face instantly popped back out but as it did the next attack crushed my chest.

Hephaestus grabbed my hair and pulled me up then punched my face in and as it regenerated he punched it in over and over again.

I had been tossed across the room into wall and all the bones in my body bust with the impact.

I started to get up when Hephaestus suddenly stamped down my shoulder breaking my collarbone and pulling my body down.

This was extremely painful yet it still was nothing compared to the ocean depths, Hephaestus now stood over me and said "Hey fucker what will you do now I got you totally fucked, after today this will be your entire existence getting crushed over and over again for eternity I bet Alexander will enjoy breaking you over and over again."

I moved my eyes down from Hephaestus to look at Hathor's tomb and thought to myself for you I will find a way.

My mind started remembering the fine details of the defective shield when I suddenly realized that instead of trying to hurt Hephaestus all I needed to do was redirect his force to cause greater damage.

Finally Hephaestus lifted his foot from my collarbone and as it came crashing back down I slammed the palm of my hand at his foot the force pulled my body up and as I crashed into his groin the suit lifted of the ground I instantly grabbed his 2 hands pulling it down away from his face and he smacked hard into the wall before being sent flying straight back down hitting the back of his head.

Hephaestus scream being flat on his back and as he got up he charged in at me with extreme speed and I simply took the deflection in my palm spinning on my heal sending Hephaestus flying into yet another wall.

Hephaestus turned around and scream "My mother couldn't defeat this armour in this state and she was Gaia of the great 5 how dare you fuck with me you impudent fucken toddler."

Hephaestus tried to attack more cautiously and I simply repeated turning about the attack.

Hephaestus now stood on guard waiting for me to attack and this time I jumped at him with a spinning kick the deflection sent be about 360 kicking him with extreme force in the face.

Hephaestus was now bleeding from his nose and mouth and seemed extremely angry all of a sudden he backed of rapidly and opened his hands all of a sudden a bright white light flashed at me and I was sent flying through several walls.

I was getting myself out from the rubble when I noticed Rameses and several guards reaching me at which I scream get out of here Hephaestus is a rebel and he has some crazy armour.

Rameses kept running in and helped me out from under the rumble and said "Get out of here that weapon was made by Ra to stop him you don't stand a chance against it.

We need to get out of here now."

I replied "He got the resurrection chamber so if I don't find a way to stop him now the enemy will be immortal with the power of the strongest immortal in history. Plus I need to resurrect Hathor and get out of here."

Rameses closed his eyes and quickly said "Force him to use the light repeatedly over and over again so they heat up and max out his shield then kill him quickly that's your only chance."

I stood up quickly and rushed back to my home and as I approached the doorway another blast hit me this time it was much more powerful, the light literally melted away the flesh from my chest started melting my bones on top of all that I had been blistered right through the city past the outer wall.

Finally the light stopped blasting me and I could see the destruction from the attack, houses had been blustered apart and the walls were shattered.