Chapter 5 part 1 Recovery

Sometime around the third week in my vegetative state I had entered a weird limbo, this place was a world of pure white and it is where I had my reprieve from the pain of my mind being torn apart over and over again.

I was not separated from my body I could hear and see all that had been going on around me this place was not a mental scape it was something beyond what I could comprehended.

I realized why my body had reacted the way it did the gravity that pulled me together had been the same rank as a black hole however my power was not as simple as being called a black hole this scape was tied to it.

I walked on what seemed to be ground and at the same time it was something else you could say I was walking on clouds.

I had explored this land scape and while doing so I could pull memories from my life and watch them over and over again.

I had ended up drifting down this place for what seemed to be an eternity when suddenly my mind seemed to have snapped me back.

My head hurt all of a sudden and I spoke back to the woman washing my hands as she asked me "Anything else for you my lord?"

I replied with "Please stop walking around me naked and second please get me Jackie."

The woman before me seemed shocked at my reply and suddenly I sat up, the woman gave of a scream and scurried of.

I was dressed in the most luxurious silk clothing and beyond that my new home had been gifted to me by the emperor, on top of the home where 10 slaves and 5 servants meant to cater to my every need.

I had finally stood up and my head was spinning so fast that I stumbled over falling back down.

The door before me opened and before me was the emperor, I was struggling to move and the emperor gestured to the women taking care of me to help me.

I had been made to sit straight and the emperor finally spoke saying "We are glad to see you have awoken, a spy from the city witnessed your fight and couldn't speak for weeks after what he saw now we all thank you for your actions.

These women had volunteered to be your slaves and despite the large sum of money that had been gathered to buy you slaves we chose to hand it to you as Jackie told us you do not approve of forcing people to serve you.

There are other gifts for you that have been gathered for you in the past 2 months you have been here, however the man who brought you here told us it would be 4 years till you were mobile once more."

I scream in pain as I tried to hold myself up again then I said "I thank you all for your kind consideration but I must leave as soon as I can there is much I still need to do. I can not keep slaves as I do not know when I will return from my duties."

The pain had increased and I seemed to start screaming in pain.

The emperor departed as a doctor came in and poked me with some type of sedative.

I had fallen into a deep sleep and when I woke up Jackie had arrived.

I mustered all my might and bowed to Jackie saying "Thank you for all you have done for me. Please forgive the time I had stole from you and your wife, if there is anything I can do to make amends please tell me."

Jackie grabbed my shoulders and picked me up to stop my bow and said "You have given me so much and protected all I held dear giving a year or 2 to anything you wish, be it selfish or vein I would commit to and so would my wife do not ever apologize to me again."

Jackie and I set and spoke for several minutes before I asked him for my bracelet and then his wife joined us in conversation.

The 2 talked to me with extreme respect, I had noticed that regardless of how badly I wished to pursue Alexander by now he would have retreated and gone into stasis and worse still I could barely sit straight without help if I fought him I'd lose as badly as he did.

Several weeks had passed and I could now walk with the aid of a staff.

I had decided to accelerate my healing with a healing pod and headed to the emperors palace.

I had been escorted by my slaves to the chamber and despite my constant rejection of these women they refused to be freed from my service.

The spy who witnessed my battle had described my bravery and explained how hard I fought and explained that if I get very angry the very earth gets angry on my part and eats my enemies with a great light.

The result had been that every person who ever passed an insult to me gave me huge tributes for my actions and women who had given themselves to my service were the most beautiful women of the country who once declared to the emperor I was not worthy to marry them.

I had descended into the crypt and walked down to a healing pod I set the program for rapid and constant regeneration for 2 months and instructed that everyone else leave the chamber.

2 months had passed and I woke up from the pod.

My head now had simple light tone like buzz and there was no extreme pain like before.

I had walked up to the top of the crypt and saw that a shrine was being crafted over the entrance to the crypt and after I left it seemed that the emperor intended to seal it.

I had activated a minor lock down of the facility with a pressurization protocol to stop the building from being deadly.

I had to talk to the emperor and explain what was now at hand.

I had been granted an audience with the emperor the moment I arrived at his palace and all his guards stood down.

I first apologized for my poor behaviour the last time we spoke then I had to explain why I was so prudent to leave.

I had just finished my apology when I said "The instigator of the attack that was headed to your city managed to escape the battle I intend to hunt him down if possible and this very action may take me many years beyond the span of your life time."

The emperor and I spoke and walked about the room suddenly he stopped and spoke back "If the enemy is hidden would it not benefit you to enjoy the joys of life, you have 10 slave 5 servants and hundreds of women who would give anything to be a source of your pleasure. Allow me and my people to be your happiness?"

I put my hands on the emperors shoulders and said "Extend to me your hand in friendship and I will return to you many more times in both times of sorrow and celebration."

The emperor had finally given in to my request and extended his hand and uttered to me his name announcing that I was his friend and that I never needed to request an audience with him again.

I had left the palace and walked on down the city rings to the lowest ring and found Jackie's shop.

The shop had prospered as Jackie had been lifted to rank of noble, I walked in to find that both Jackie and his wife tended the shop and finally I had decided to offer the 2 an adventure of a life time traveling the world with me.

Jackie and his wife looked at me in shock as my preposition was no small offer they had been offered to visit the world and to be granted a vastly extended life using my resurrection technology should they wish to live on.

The 2 walked with me out of the city where Hathor's ship now stood.

We had boarded the ship and I explained my relation to Egypt to Jackie having him understand that we would all be working together I also explained to Jackie how to pilot the ship.

The trip to Egypt had taken no more then 2 hours, Rameses and Russell had accepted Jackie with open arms his wife too was accepted and despite the state of Egypt's city the people had seemed glad to have had me return.

The city was now tiny only 2000 people remained from the city and where Phoebs once stood was a stone amongst the glass reading "Here lies the blood of Egypt."