Chapter 10 part 3 Unlimited potential

Cronos started fighting and at first it seemed effortless but around rank 120 Cronos started to struggle with defending and counter striking unlike my regeneration ability Cronos had to minimize all the damage he took.

Finally Cronos had reached the last fight with the robot emulation of rank 101 and it was absolutely difficult for him Cronos seemed to have lost his breath and it took him nearly the full 2 minutes to win.

Finally Cronos entered his powered up state and he started to heal faster it was only then that I realized Cronos had broken his arm and shattered both his hands.

I spoke up saying "Wow you actually took damage from that."

Cronos seemed to scowl at me as he replied "Your ability is beyond both your parents that natural super fast healing is super rare I only know 1 individual who healed like that. Plus your body doesn't seem to fatigue from the pain like us regular immortals but soon the ranking should shake you up when you do rank 99 to rank 41."

I looked at Cronos with a smirk on my face and said "Why is that?" Cronos tapped the screen infant of him and said "Rank ascension Horas Ra 99 to 41, 20 deployment simultaneously!"

I couldn't even counter that statement when the computer announced "Ranking 99 to 41 simultaneous continuous rank battle!"

Robots entered the room rapidly and the attack initiated instantaneously.

I stood my ground and took all 20 blows then I started knocking down robots in rapid succession, the problem at this point was the blows actually hurt. The rank passed 100 seemed to be a huge step up towards my power level as it stood in the first Chakra. The robots were as fast and strong as the 1 Alexander used however the simple requirement of knocking them down made it simple to cope with them. The number of individual robots that I fought were of the chart and each blow was hard to divert yet I used the robots numbers to conserve strength as their blows were used to knock each other out.

The room had been cleared and Cronos starred at me asking "You don't seem to fatigue. Have you fought at this level before?"

I smiled and replied "Well it takes me hours to fatigue but ever since I learnt to loop my through my Chakra and into the eighth Chakra recovery has been pretty quick."

Cronos seemed amazed yet again and said "Why don't you merge all 7 Chakras into the eighth Chakra and use that method to enhance and loop your Chakra."

The idea seemed plausible however something about this seemed to be hard to comprehend, the Chakras were physical drive points within your body that made an almost perfect loop so looping the power was simple to merge the Chakra loop with the eighth Chakra would mean moving the 7 Chakras by force to the eighth Chakra.

I was trying when Cronos said "Don't try to move the Chakras just join the energy flows and loop them inside the eighth Chakra and then loop out the flow to each individual Chakra it should enhance your power quiet quickly."

I did as was instructed and the eighth Chakra had started to grow more powerful and then I redirected the flows of every Chakra till they connected to each other.

I dropped to my knees as power surged through my body the expansion of my power was alarming and worse still Chakras all continually grew.

Cronos looked over me and asked "What happened are you alright?"

I smiled again and replied "I interconnected and looped all the Chakras so my power is climbing like crazy."

Cronos seemed alarmed for a second and then he said "Considering your regeneration rate if you keep this up your power will likely grow exponentially. Within my body I suddenly felt the white place begin to attach to my body releasing calming waves through my body.

I got up of my knees and decided to feel out the expansion of power I just had, my first Chakra was now way larger and the energy generation in my body was of the chart.

I looked up at Cronos and asked "How did you know my Chakra wasn't optimized like this?"

Cronos replied "Your body doesn't top out and start declining like it should instead it looks like you permanently recharging and in so doing reducing you maximum power. If you effectively can use your power all out fatigue will show and since you enhanced the technique you could possibly surge every time you have a breather in combat."

This made perfect sense in fact I understood it all too well.

My power was low because it kept restoring and my loop only allowed me to hold onto power for longer never truly fully expressing me like the first time I entered my fully powered state.

I had dropped the enhancement state and returned to just using my strength and I turned to Cronos saying "Okay let's continue the ranking."

Cronos looked at me with a stern look on his face and said "Drop the enhanced state and return to normal unenhanced state."

I looked back at Cronos and replied "This is regular state my power is not enhancing my strength in fact my power is flowing through my Chakra and being kept from entering usage."

Cronos still kept up the stern stare and said "Fine power up all 8 Chakras unenhanced then power up all the way enhanced."

I did as directed and powered up each Chakra 1 at a time till finally I was at full 8 Chakra standard release. The shield in the room seemed to be stressed and then I enhanced my power, Cronos was sent flying across the room and the shielding started to show stress.

My technology suddenly kicked in to protect the room and my shield negated the side effects.

Cronos starred at me and exclaimed "What the hell is your power source!"

I dropped the enhanced state instantly and brought my power down to just the first Chakra. I put my hand to my face and replied "No clue. At first we thought I used gravity due to time dilation effects then we thought it was black hole related however after I lost control and completely powered up it was clear that my power was something else all together."

Cronos seemed puzzled and called to the computer "Computer room power signature analysis Horas Ra."

The screen near Cronos read "Power Class 1 source trans dimensional exotic extreme!"

Cronos dropped onto his ass and said "You have unlimited potential! Your power is any power you can fabricate. Your power source is ridiculous so in the end you may need to learn to use your Trans dimensional ability in some kind of containment."

I looked at the analysis and unlike Cronos who was freaking out I was over joyed, my power had been such a mystery up till this point but understanding it meant soon I could control it.

Cronos walked back to the panel and activated the test once again and the room announced "Danger test restriction over ridden Rank 40 to 1 all out 40 vs 1 combat." The robots poured in and this time they were all as powerful as a great 5 with 3 robots using weapons to equate the physical power of the top 3. I mowed through the robots almost effortlessly and as they went down I heard booms of sound as the computer kept updating the announcements. This was unenhanced estimation and finally the room was cleared at which point the computer announced "Horas Ra Rank 6 standing 6 admission granted to Great Rank grading."

The door to the room suddenly opened revealing the stairway out, Cronos looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "You are a crazy fucken monster if you unleash your full power I wonder how many galaxies will be destroyed."

Cronos didn't seem to be looking forward to seeing my potential and then he said "Horas I hope you comprehend the true danger your powers pose to existence. Ra will freak out if he finds out you have a power like this and to top it of Class 1 powers are thought to be unobtainable. We only discovered trans dimensional power by chance and even then we could barely harness its potential. You are inherently capable of using its full potential then to I doubt I could figure out how it manifests in this world."

Cronos and I had marched down a long corridor and finally another room opened up however this room seemed to be more of a cafeteria with 19 tables spread through its long emptiness.

Cronos and I sat at the first table and it seemed that Cronos was pondering deeply on how to manifest my power.

I remembered the katanas in my harness and detached 8 of 13 placing it on the table before Cronos and then I said "This blade has helped manifest my power into a black orb twice it was made by Amun…"

Cronos put his hand over my mouth and said "Do not say his name in the facility, his your grandfather and is hated by almost every immortal save a few if you use that name you may be in for endless fighting with the other immortals. So you have a prophecy weapon that means it was made to help you along your journey."

Cronos seemed cold all of a sudden as if I had done something wrong then he said "Take me to your crypt we can train there for now."