Chapter 3 part 3 Truth to despair

Hathor had been giggling and laughing at me all the way to the palace, undoubtedly she intended to punish me a bit more before the day was over.

The palace was in full bloom with lilies set around the main hall and caterers running around like they were late undoubtedly these 2 had made these plans the day before.

Yuri whispered in Hathor's ear followed by Hathor laughing uncontrollably, apparently they had something intensely embarrassing set for me.

We got out of the car and walked to the palace main entrance where Yuri was escorted off in a hurry followed by the king saying "Lord Horas this is kind of embarrassing for me to have to explain so first let me say thank you for allowing my daughter to become an immortal along side you. Okay now give me a second, so here is how you have sex…"

I put my hand over the kings mouth and said "Not another word about it, I know how its done and please forgive Hathor for pranking you like this. I'm 10000 years old and have witnessed many people in the act over the ages."

I had not attended a wedding in a few centuries and apparently the traditional ceremony was no longer held at weddings but an exchange of vows.

I walked with the king who seemed to be a little angry with Yuri and Hathor due to the prank they had played.

The king explained that after yesterday the army had been knee deep in research with regards to what Alexander had set in motion.

Apparently the army had managed to capture the primary and emergency channel centre making the entire network have to rely on physical massage interaction.

4 prisoners had made a surprising escape from custody and we had already found them to have contacted nearly 4000 people.

Alexander was pretty much screwed as his network would be totally ineffective to warn him against what was coming.

The wedding ceremony was quick and short with army officers as the guests, Cronos acted as the officiant and that was all there was to the story 4 lines represented the union.

The king seemed somewhat disappointed considering how old Cronos was, he likely expected an ancient ritual to be performed.

Yuri could barely hold in her excitement and Hathor for some reason was as excited as Yuri. Kissing Yuri was awkward and felt unnatural to me yet Yuri took deep pleasure in the action.

It was not that I didn't desire to kiss her but more like I didn't want to kiss anyone but Hathor no matter the desire I felt.

Tonight would be the first time I hadn't had Hathor by my side as I slept since we were married.

Yuri clung to my right arm so tightly I could tell that she was happy and nervous I expected that Hathor had informed her as to why I was not intimate as yet.

Hathor had me of balance I suspected that with her mother returning soon she was worried about the future.

She likely was hiding something she had done and felt ashamed of hence giving me an option to substitute her out or possibly forcefully substituting herself out.

After the ceremony 3 of us left to my estate at which point Hathor and Yuri gave me the break down of how things would go.

Hathor would spend 3 nights a week with me while Yuri spent the other 4 on top of that Hathor made sure that it was clear that I had to devote time towards Yuri outside of sleeping in the same room.

I wanted to object and cut straight to the point but something told me to hold of till after we dealt with Zeus.

Yuri was seriously odd in the way she behaved, she didn't seem nervous or anxious around me instead she seemed extremely comfortable.

The night arrived and we had pulled into my estate where everyone was suddenly relaxed as if the pressure was off.

The Agents of Alexander had been totally pushed back and when we entered the mansion the problem that remained was explaining the situation.

I set down with all the Illumanati and explained the entire situation plus the fact that perfect immortality was beyond my capabilities.

The head of the members around me then said "The Illumanati doesn't seek immortality we seek knowledge and enlightenment. We understand the circumstances surrounding Yuri becoming an immortal but we ask that you never allow another mortal to become an immortal."

I replied "I know this sounds odd but I suspect Hathor is doing this as some type of 1 of for some reason. She has something hidden from her past and it seems like she has a plan to enact. Princess Yuri is a calculated fill in for her as far as Hathor is concerned."

At the side of the table a female member spoke up saying "Considering the information you have she may just be shying away from intimacy that you'd be willing to engage in as soon as Alexander is killed. I suggest you charge her head on and confront her about the reality several times in a row."

That was more scary then I'd like to admit, not only had the female perspective opened my eyes to reality but it also gave me a way to extract the information.

The more elderly man at the table then spoke saying "According to my contact in the CIA Alexander had items brought back to earth from the moon and supposedly they were body chunks around the size of 5 centimetres by 5 centimetres. The body pieces radiated energy at a tremendous rate however they were never united by Alexander's order. 2 days ago Alexander had ordered that all the pieces be reunited. With all intel gathered together we suspect the body will be reconstituted by next week Friday."

I had actually tested every immortals flesh and found that all immortals emitted a small amount of radiation with some emitting stronger signals however I imagined that beyond the regular level the energy sources were extremely exotic.

Primordial energy showed up as cosmic background radiation.

The meeting had adjourned after several more extreme topics were brought up.

I was about to walk up to the second presidential suit when I passed by Hathor and asked "What are you planning Hathor?"

Hathor looked back at me smiled and said "It's just vengeance for all the leading on you did."

I dropped my act of ignorance and said "Hathor ever since we launched this plan you have been up to something plus getting me a second wife and making her immortal is something you kept a secret. If I'm correct you did something worse then give your mother the red spider lily now spill."

Hathor suddenly dropped her pleasant face and said "I'm a monster I did something absolutely unforgivable so don't ask about it. Yuri deserves you not me and I will be correcting my mistakes. Horas I know how much you love me and the joy it brings you but I will do my part to take down my crazy brother and mother and vanish with my sins."

I didn't know what to say but none the less I said "You think I'm a Saint or deserving of anything I have, I slaughtered millions of people in my life, I destroyed entire empires, I ruined 2 loves of my life to the point that they were shattered mentally and you think I deserve anyone let alone you!"

I was crying at this point and then Hathor said "You think that's bad I ate the love of my life, my mother made me eat him then she bashed me down and tortured me. Then here on earth she made me poison your mother so her regeneration was totally ineffective, that's why you were born into this world. I brought you to this world by slowing your mothers regeneration factor allowing her to experience a full pregnancy then I knew my mother planned to torture and eat you alive!"