Chapter 10 part 7 Enter Etherials

We were now all in the void of space Horas and Yuri were surprisingly unharmed from the blast.

Hathor was extremely aggressive and had lost all good faith we had in her.

Isis had guarded the rest of us with a large flame wall that deflected the majority of the blast wave.

Hathor reduced the planet to dust so there was no footing and Gaia couldn't power up.

This was extremely bad both Saturn and Uranus were powerless outside of an atmosphere and Hathor had long since established her dominance.

Jupiter and Isis held the front with me providing the crucial strikes the powerless Yuri and Horas were left afloat drifting of slowly.

Jupiter sprung into action with fireballs while Isis empowered and redirected the assault to evade any gravity attacks.

The fireballs impacted and burnt Hathor however they were nothing to her might as she swiftly leapt to counter act the stream of attacks.

Hathor cover the distance in what seemed to be an instant and then Horas countered her in hand to hand combat.

Horas may not have had access to his powers however it was clear that even without it he was a force to be reckoned with.

Horas used Hathor to counter her creation power as he jumped around rapidly kicking of fireballs forcing her to alter gravity counter to her previous attacks.

It was no minor display of talent Horas had improved when he was away and this displayed how crazy his growth was.

The only thing I found odd was Horas didn't hit Hathor instead he seemed to be deflecting attacks and attempting to grab hold of her.

I had noticed that Jupiter had been firing fireball with a vacuum like effect causing me to drift along side it.

The force was enough to counter the quick gravity alterations performed by Hathor and oddly enough she wasn't going all out so I could fight her at part power then grab hold of her and try to connect our minds.

The problem was that even with me going all out all I could achieve was partially breaking her defence.

I kept up my full power to just make a single opportunity then all of a sudden Cronos jumped in dropping a heavy kick.

Hathor blocked it and as I was about to touch her she suddenly created another repelling wave pushing both myself and Cronos back.

I tried to speak but in space there was no sound and without a field around me all that could be heard was nothing.

Yuri grabbed hold of Cronos as I once more moved in to attack Hathor and no matter what attack she threw at me I was able to counter it thanks to Isis and Jupiter.

My body was feeling odd as if it were moving so fast that I wasn't used it yet my body was acting on intuition.

I suddenly made it to Hathor and this time I attacked extremely rapidly to the point it felt like my power was being enhanced.

Hathor created several gravity pulses and I skipped of them using her previous attacks to keep my momentum stable.

Hathor showed no emotion what so ever and then I started up my attack at full speed once more.

Yuri and Cronos approached once more and in the next second Yuri landed a massive blow and grabbed hold of just 1 of Yuri's arms.

I grabbed hold of Hathor's arm and suddenly both myself and Yuri were standing in a black place with small lights of various colour spread out.

Yuri looked at me in surprise and said "This feels very familiar what do we do."

I looked at Yuri and said "This is Hathor's control space and it links to the memories of all people as a result this is her power source and power. I may be able to disarm her power but I'm no sure why we entered her space."

The plan was to pull Hathor's consciousness to my tetrahedron and have it drive the black space out.

I put my hand to the floor and suddenly a white spot was created and a slow rippling white wave spread out.

The wave started to add some light to the space and I walked on till I found a window.

The window was a small viewing space and as I touched it I saw the world through my eyes with Hathor immobile before me.

I pulled my hand away and said "These are our current state through the tunnel I suspect we can view our future or possible pasts through here."

Yuri looked at me and asked "So this is harmless right?"

I looked around and said "Imagine there is a will out there so strong it can feel the intrusion to its mind. The mind could over power your will and force you to embrace that mentality. If you take on too many minds I suspect that you will lose your way. Imagine also that some minds experience ecstasy the likes of which you could never experience so their memories can become highly addictive. In other words this power is extremely dangerous with extreme benefits."

Yuri backed away from the window before her as I put my hand to the ground once again.

This time the entire place flashed red and then the 2 white points started to draw towards one another.

The 2 points started spinning and releasing a slow pulse of white.

Yuri and I walked through the labyrinth of memories and decided to call it the infinite labyrinth.

The ground started to shake and it was in that instant that I saw Hathor.

Her body was burnt extremely badly from some kind of memory she was holding.

I looked over the memory and it was the memory of Zeus being burnt by me back in Egypt.

I reached my hand towards Hathor and suddenly black flame appeared and balled around Hathor.

I pulled my hand back and decided to reach in and pull Hathor out.

My hand reached in and as I pulled on Hathor the fire burnt away at me and just as the flame reach my shoulder I grabbed hold of Hathor and yanked her out of the fireball.

The flame shot up and engulfed the room and the burning sensation instantly stopped.

The white waves kept sweeping over the space faster and faster when suddenly it turned white.

My head started aching and my memories started flowing in at that moment I felt 1 tetrahedron accept me.

Hathor stood up at that moment and opened her eyes.

Hathor had tears flowing from her eyes as she looked at me and then she hugged me tightly.

I put my hand on her shoulder and said "I guess we all back. So how has your long life been in here."

Hathor gave an awkward smile and said "I disregarded all my warnings and touched your memories and ended up getting blasted into my mother's memory. I've been in here for 70 trillion or so years I think. Plus only living entities can enter the infinite labyrinth and I know this is the labyrinth but why is it white and not black."

I gave an awkward smile and answered "The black control space is dangerous and red is for rage if you use either of those 2 they control you. I can't help you refine your control however if you use the black space and end up stuck you will destroy the universe. Considering that there is only 1 liveable planet left I suggest we train this aspect for now."

Yuri suddenly dejectedly said "Let's get out of here I feel like a third wheel since neither of you are talking to me plus things are pretty dire."

We got out of the labyrinth and we were back before everyone.

Hathor had a wide smile and seemed much more reasonable then a few minutes ago she also dropped her powered state and everything seemed to be calm at which point I put my hand out and reformed the planet.

Everyone panicked at the sight of me using my powers at which point I said "Don't stress I'm not going to go berserk."

The atmosphere had already formed and it was at that point that I realized 1 orb was now so much more powerful then before.

Cronos suddenly spoke saying "I hate to kill the mood but we need to head out to save humanity before Ra or Zeus pick up on it."

Everyone nodded in confirmation and as we started to board a ship there was a bright flash and a large humanoid being with wings appeared.

Isis backed up and said "Raphael why are you hear? Why now of all times?"

The ships suddenly powered down and an overwhelming pressure could be felt pushing us all down.

I looked up and Raphael had a creation orb floating above his hand.

Suddenly 3 of us were picked up by the force of the orb and Raphael spoke saying "The fight for humanity is now in your hands, head to the old home of humanity and take your comrades to help as for these 3 they will arrive when your hope seems truly lost."

I was totally outmatched and as I was lifted of the ground, I was scared and anxious all the while I knew things were about to change for good.

We were finally next to Raphael and before we could even utter a word we experienced a crushing pressure followed by a blinding light and felt a motion so fast it felt that we had travelled through space and time.

Ra stood above me unscathed with a foot on my chest and above his right hand small black particles formed then he said "Son you should have never apposed me now let it all be over!"

I scream out "No!" ….