Declaration of Love

"As a sad news though, they've declared you dead."

For another, the melancholy to shroud came more evident. He only stared at her, and once Yotsuba had to collect enough of the energy, an uncouth feature took over her senses.

"For another, we now have bounties in our name. I hear we will be hunted while in our stay, dubiously named as the Fire Witch and the Crow Maiden."

There came a bright grin, shuffled in concerns of safety, irritation leaking out for someone unexpected for the other.

In contrast, frustration emanated from the other.

These two have pooled themselves into situations both perilous and smart, there clashed acknowledgement and distrust from one another.

No, it wasn't like looking in front of a mirror.

It wasn't the upbringings of a nonsense user and a serial killer.

They were two sore losers looking at each other, both seeing each other negative while being mysteriously drawn into attraction.