Throwing Stones And Causing A Ruckus

The tempo on the streets matched that of a mid-autumn festival, save for the red lanterns that illuminated the sky. The excitement in people's voices were enough stimulant to promote the awareness that it exhibition day was just knocking on tomorrow's door.

While some celebrated, others found themselves in their numbers stationed at the huge gates of the Wang residence, throwing stones and causing a ruckus at the early hours of the morning.

"General Wang! Give me back my husband's corpse! You've already taken his life, how much more will you take?!" A woman with a child strapped behind her back cried out, banging her clenched fists against the gates.

"I have only one daughter, won't you bring her to me? There's not much time left!" An elderly woman sat on the sand, using her long cane to nudge at the gate, tears rolling down her eyes.