Young Master Has Been Corrupted

*Concrete Rose*

Chen Yao's left foot lazily stretched across the floor, coming in contact with Jun Feng's nose, kicking the youngster awake.

With a disgruntled look, he raised his curled fist above his head and landed a solid punch to Chen Yao's left eye. Or so he thought, little did he expect the other man to shift, causing his fist to collide with the ground.

"CHEN YAO YOU BASTARD!" He cried, pulling out his fist from the ground, a pained expression on his face.

Chen Yao who was fortunate enough to have stirred in his sleep, was forced out of his dreams by an angry Jun Feng who looked like he would strangle him.

"Hey, isn't it too early to be scowling?" Chen Yao mindlessly asked, using the back of his palm to remove the spec from his eyes.

Jun Feng's face twitched, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!"