Want Me To Seal It With A Kiss?

"Have you seen him?" Chan Zian asked his classmates discreetly, it was to be their turn next, and Yu Xiaoguang was no where to be seen.

"No, we haven't!" A classmate replied, Chan Zian hissed under his breath, and hardened his stare.

Some more classmates who had volunteered to help find him just returned with no luck. Chan Zian had noticed Yu Xiaoguang was missing first and at first just discreetly asked some classmates for help.

But when the news all reached their ears, all the members of class Opal immediately flocked around him, offering their help.

"Do you think he has fled?" A student piped up from the back, causing new tension.

"It is possible, maybe he really hasn't changed at all." Another concurred, misleading the students.

Chan Zian was set on raising his fist to his classmates and beating the crap out of them, however his plan was was quickly interrupted by the appearance of Ming Baozhai.