It Has To Be Me And No One Else

The idea of two men kissing?

Mei Deng was completely stunned by Wang Tengfei bringing it up, fortunately he didn't need dwell on it, due to the timely intervention from outside.

"Yu Xiaoguang!"

"Come out it is your turn!"

"Chan Zian will murder us if you're not found!"

"Please, don't get disqualified!"

The chants of his classmates forced Mei Deng to pull away, "I have to leave now, before I'm disqualified." He said, already pulling open the door and stepping outside.

"Yu Xiaoguang." The general called out, Mei Deng flung his head back, a puzzled look in his eyes as the general leaned forward. Infact, he got so close that one simple nudge would crash his lips onto Mei Deng's.


The general kissed his jaw down to his neck, "don't forget, I'll reward whoever ranks could end up not being you if you drop out." He whispered, then landed one more kiss on the side of his neck, causing Mei Deng to get weak in the knees.