Chapter 11:Against the Forcesukers (Updated)

Written By: Shuvodip Aich

Proofread By: Maximus1334

Edited By:Maximus1334

Chapter 11:Against the Forcesukers(Updated version)

Lily began chanting in an unfamiliar language.

After a few seconds, a spell cast a 50-meter radius around them, revealing the reason for Lily's unease.

The spell uncovered 10 to 15 Forcesukers around them, but what shocked them most was the presence of a rank 5 Forcesuker.

Jason and Bhim locked eyes and reacted to the impending danger in less than a second.

Jason quickly drew his dual swords from his back and attacked the rank 5 Forcesuker without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Bhim faced the remaining rank 4 Forcesukers with the rest of the team.

He wielded an Axehammer, a powerful weapon, and a sword, a speed weapon.

Jason aimed for the neck of the Rank 5 Forcesuker, but the monster easily dodged the attack.

After missing his first attack, Jason remained composed and launched a second attack with his left hand, targeting the upper body.

The monster realized that it could not dodge this attack and attempted to counter Jason's attack by draining the power out of it, which slowed down the speed of Jason's attack.

Jason noticed the slowdown and knew he had to act fast to inflict damage.

He used the mana-breathing technique, which increased the speed of mana flow in his body, giving him a boost in power and agility.

Using his newfound strength, Jason generated more power and increased the speed of his attack, catching the Forcesuker off guard.

The sudden increase in attack speed caught the monster off guard, and it was unable to drain most of the power and speed behind the attack.

Finally, the sword connected with the Forcesuker, and at the moment of contact, Jason increased the power of the attack to inflict as much damage as possible.

The blow dealt a massive cut to the upper part of the Forcesuker's body, causing white vapours to appear.

The Forcesuker screamed in agony after being wounded by Jason's enchanted weapon.

The enchanted weapon prevented the monster from healing its wounds, which it could have done with normal weapons.

Forcesukers are ethereal monsters, and most of their bodies are transparent.

They live by absorbing the mana or lifeforce of other beings.

Enchanted weapons are used to bypass their ability to heal.

These weapons are made using special types of materials that they have no idea of, the department fully kept secret these things and no one knows about the reason.

If you want a weapon you had to first inform the department and then they will call you for some kind of test to know what kind of element you are most compatible with after that you can choose which kind of weapon you want and a few days later you will receive your weapon.

No one knows who made them or what type of materials are used to make them but just like some sort of magic every time the weapons were delivered before time and each time, they are much better than expected.

No one can use elemental force on their own but these weapons enable them to use them basically for an explorer elemental weapons are their lifeline or a connector to elemental force.

Bhim and the rest of the team struggled to catch the Forcesukers off-guard, and their fight was intense.

Only Bhim, Suzzy, and Mark faced the monsters face-to-face, while Jerry provided support from behind.

However, most of Jerry's attacks were ineffective as the Forcesukers could easily absorb the force behind the bullets before they even reached them.

Amid the chaos, Lily continued to chant in an unknown language to activate a spell to weaken the Forcesukers, as Holy spells were the most effective against these types of monsters.

To activate these types of spells, it takes great concentration and time compared to normal spells.

That is why Bhim and the rest of the team are diverting the attention of the Forcesukers towards them so that they don't disturb Lily while she is in the process of activation.

The rank 5 Forcesuker was finally able to regain its composure and then stared at Jason with an angry expression on its ghastly face.

Jason didn't let the monster relax to get its health back, so he activated a special sword skill and attacked the monster.

Jason then started putting his mana inside his weapon, which started to turn into fire.

A few moments later, both his swords were surrounded by flames.

Jason activated a skill called "Two Silver Blades," which is a dual-blade skill that focuses on delivering fast and powerful blows to the opponent.

Jason's blade was made with a special ore that was found on planet Oxlon, which transforms mana into flames.

Jason then started attacking the Forcesukers at different parts of its body at the same time, but this time, it was already ready to start countering Jason's attack on its own.

A rank 5 Forcesuker is not just for the name; it also had a lot of power, which it started to show against Jason.

The Forcesuker started to suck mana out of Jason whenever it got a chance and used that mana to attack Jason.

Jason had to force himself back to not get sucked out of all his mana.

The Forcesuker started to send small-sized mana balls towards Jason that contained large amounts of chaotic mana.

Jason, using his quick moment, evaded almost all of the balls, and the rest of them were slashed by his swords.

Boom! Boom! Wherever the mana balls touched, the area crumbled as if a large amount of dynamite had blasted into that area.

If even one of the balls came in contact with Jason, he knew that the outcome would be something he didn't want.

That's why Jason was avoiding them.

He also knew that he had to quickly kill the Forcesuker, or things would not be as easy as they were now, but he was waiting for Lily to complete her spell.

That's why Jason was not getting close to the Forcesuker and only engaging it so that the Forcesuker's focus would only be on him.

As all the Forcesuker's attention was already diverted, Lily's spell was finally completed.

She spoke the last words to activate the spell, "Rings of Haunted Healing."

Then, a circle appeared all around the Forcesuker, which started weakening it.

Its speed and power also decreased a lot as mana started to leak from its body.

Jason and his team used this opportunity quickly without wasting any time, as the effect of the spell would only last for 20 to 30 seconds.

Jason unleashed all his power and attacked the neck of the Forcesuker, which is the most vulnerable part of its body.

The Forcesuker was already getting weakened and couldn't stop Jason's attack as it was too fast and powerful for its current state.

Jason's attack swiftly detached the head of the Forcesuker from its body.

After that, its body started to evaporate, and a few seconds later, there was no sign of it.

Bhim was already killing the rest of the rank 4 suckers with the help of his team.

This was the first time they had to put in this much effort to kill any monster since the first step on this planet.

After the fight, Jason and the rest of the team sat in the corner of the cave, leaning their backs on the side of the cave to take some rest.

While they were resting, they failed to notice an important detail that would later prove costly for their mission.

Bhim attempted to report the details of their encounter, only to realize that they were not receiving any signal.

As a result, he decided to record a message that would be automatically sent to the higher-ups once a signal became available.


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