Chapter 12: Mysterious Cave (Updated)

Written By: Shuvodip Aich

Proofread By: Maximus1334

Edited By:Maximus1334

Chapter 12: Mysterious Cave (Updated version)

When Bhim tried to report what had happened, he found out that they were not getting any signal, so he decided to record a message.

Whenever they found a signal, the higher-ups automatically received it.

Bhim didn't think too much about the signal, as they were in a cave and he already guessed that eventually, they would lose connection as they went deeper inside.

After resting for a few minutes to recover their mana, Jason and his teammates started their journey without thinking much about the sudden appearance of a rank 5 Forcesuker.

There was no certainty as to what rank of monster they would face on any mission, so all the explorers were already trained for these types of situations.

Despite the appearance of a rank 5 monster, they continued their mission.

They also discovered why there were no Mindlers inside the tunnel: they had already been killed by the Forcesukers.

While the Mindlers were very strong, they were like ants against the Forcesukers, as they attacked the brain of their opponents.

If the opponent didn't have a brain, they weren't able to deal any damage and became the meal of the Forcesuker, who sucked their mana and life energy until they died.

That was the conclusion Jason and his teammates came to for the reason they did not encounter Mindlers.

"Guys, the signal is coming from there," Mark pointed to a giant hole inside the ground.

One by one, they got inside the giant hole, and after viewing their surroundings, all of them had an awestruck expressions.

It was like another cave, but different from the outside of the hole. Inside the hole, all the places were covered with Orichalcum, a very rare ore which absorbed mana faster.

It was so rare that even 10 grams of Orichalcum sold for a whopping 1 million Lunar, and wherever their eyes could see, all of that was covered in this ore.

"This is enough to last for 100 years," Mark said after viewing the amount of Orichalcum present inside the hole.

{Author Note-Lunar is the currency used at this time 1Lunar = 1000Dollars}

Not only did it have Orichalcum, but it also had different types of other ores present inside the cave.

Jason and his team members knew that this was a major discovery which would not only change their future but also change the future of all humankind.

Suzzy then started to take multiple photos of the area and checked the different types of ores that were there.

She sent all the photos and information she was able to collect to the head department members.

Jason and all his team members got pumped up after the discovery.

Suddenly, energy spread among them as they got excited to explore further.

However, their luck wasn't good this time, as they found out that all the monsters were actually inside this cave, and the ones outside this cave were the weak ones.

They started to get attacked every few minutes as they went deeper.

This time, the attackers were not only crawlers but also Forcesukers and Mindlers.

Jason thanked his luck that they were wearing special suits that negated all the waves produced by the Mindlers.

Currently, Jason was facing three Forcesukers and was getting attacked by who knows how many Mindlers.

He again thanked his luck that they had special suits; otherwise, he was sure that he would have been on his deathbed.

Bhim and the rest of them were also facing the monsters.

This time, Lily was not able to cast spells against the Forcesukers it takes time to activate them.

She was currently facing the Mindlers and using her spells to kill them before they could do any damage to them.

After some time, Jason and his teammates finally killed all the monsters and leaned against the wall to take some rest.

This time they were not able to come out untouched like the previous time and some of them were injured.

Jerry and Lily were the only ones that were injured as they were not close-range fighters.

Due to Bhim Mark and Suzzy facing a lot of monsters on their own, some monsters breached the gap between them and attacked Lily and Jerry.

However, they were able to take down the monsters before they could inflict fatal wounds.

As they started reaching the deeper part of the cave, mysterious writing and patterns started to emerge on the wall.

When Jason and his teammates used their watches to scan the writing, they got another shock as they found a new type of language.

This is their first time to come across these times of things and this also indicates the possibilities of extra-terrestrial life for intelligent species that can prove a lot of things.

Till today all the extra-terrestrial species that are found on different planets are unintelligent creatures or monsters, it can prove the first evidence of intelligent creatures if the department isn't hiding another secret.

As they were taking pictures and noting some important details, suddenly one of the writings started to glow and a loud and clear voice echoed in the surrounding, catching them off guard.

"Engaging Trial."

Suddenly, a bright light appeared and blinded them.

When Jason opened his eyes, he found himself lying on some unknown ground.

After getting on his feet, he found himself inside a forest with no sign of his other teammates.

The last thing he remembered was hearing a voice and then everything went white.

He had no idea how he got there or if someone brought him there.

This was the first time Jason had ever faced this type of situation, and he was nervous for the first time since he started this mission.

However, he knew that being nervous would bring him nothing, so he decided to do some breathing exercises to calm down.

After a few minutes, he finally calmed down and noticed that the mana in the area was a lot denser than in any place he had been before.

Jason checked what was on the ground where he woke up and found nothing except for the suit he was wearing.

He only found his swords when he searched the area, so he decided to leave them at that.

Since it was still daytime, he decided to search the surrounding area to collect material to spend the night and learn more about the mysterious forest.


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