Chapter 61: Talk with Deity part-1

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 7 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 61: Talk with Deity part-1

"However, I trust you can perceive the connection between your desire for knowledge and the being we discussed earlier."

"While I remain unaware of the specific sub-abilities concealed within your desire for knowledge, it is clear that you must gradually uncover them and learn their purpose."

"It remains unknown why the cosmos bestows these particular abilities upon individuals, but one possibility is that it aims to prevent the aforementioned being from attaining immortality."

"Perhaps you will eventually encounter this being and your main objective may be to confront or even eliminate them. However, this is not yet confirmed."

"What I am certain of is that your journey is somehow intertwined with that being. As the host of this special ability, it is your duty to unravel the reasons behind your bestowed ability and the tasks that lie ahead."

"Rest assured, I will offer my assistance, but the path you must traverse is yours to tread. You need not worry, for as long as you remain true to your purpose, I shall stand by your side."

"Even if the entire cosmos were to turn against you—though that is highly unlikely, considering the nature of your bestowed ability—I will remain steadfastly loyal."

"That concludes my explanation. If you have any doubts or inquiries, please do not hesitate to ask. I will provide answers to the best of my abilities while adhering to the rules of the cosmos," KØD stated, bringing his narrative about Jason's gift and the purpose of his search to a close."

"Before I proceed with my questions, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for sharing such intricate details with me."

"Your willingness to provide such comprehensive explanations, despite not being obligated to do so, is truly commendable."

"I am genuinely appreciative of your efforts, and I will forever remain indebted to you for this invaluable knowledge. Lastly, there are a few aspects that still elude my understanding, and I sincerely hope that you can help clarify these lingering doubts of mine as well."

Jason's first question pertained to his current whereabouts and his state of being, particularly whether he was a soul or something else. He also wondered why he could still experience emotions.

"In the current moment, you reside within my realm, ensuring your safety. Otherwise, you would have transitioned to the spirit cleansing realm for rebirth."

"You exist in your soul form, which retains the structure and appearance of your previous body. However, if your soul possesses great strength, it can assume various forms, a capability you do not currently possess."

"As for why you can still feel emotions, it is because souls are capable of experiencing emotions, albeit to a lesser degree. As your soul is connected to the ability of desire, you can experience emotions similar to when your soul resided within your previous body."

Regarding the question of how a soul can grow stronger which I can sense you will ask later, KØD responded, "Discovering the answer to that query is something you must pursue independently. I will not provide you with this knowledge, as it is an exploration you must undertake on your own."

"My second question pertains to the being you have described throughout the narrative. Although you have provided intricate details about his nature and the events surrounding him, you have deliberately refrained from mentioning his name."

"Instead, you have consistently referred to him as 'that being.' I am curious to know whether he possesses a name or if he is simply devoid of one." Jason inquired, eager to unveil this missing piece of information.

"It is essential to understand that names hold great significance, especially in higher dimensions. As individuals grow stronger, they develop the ability to sense whenever their name is mentioned, allowing them to discern the context and the speaker's intentions."

"While the being in question does indeed possess a name, revealing it poses a grave risk. If his name were uttered even once, he would instantly become aware of my location. As Only a select few beings are privy to his true name, ensuring its secrecy."

"Allow me to clarify that the dissemination of names varies among different beings. While gods and a select few entities seek followers and actively spread their names across dimensions to gather power as the more follower they have the faster they can become stronger, beings like ourselves, including the Asura, prefer to keep our names relatively obscure."

"We do not have any need or desire to widely broadcast our identities. As for the Devas, their existence remains known to only a handful of the most powerful beings."

"In this regard, you should take pride in being among the privileged few who possess this knowledge."

"Perhaps you can consider yourself the most fortunate individual in the entire first and second dimension (D.U), as you stand alone in possessing this information." KØD elucidated, emphasizing the unique position that Jason now finds himself in"

"Also, in addition to his name, I have refrained from disclosing the names of gods, such as Asura and Devas. It is not within your authority to know these names at this stage."

"The cosmos operates on a delicate balance, and as you grow in power, the knowledge of these names may be revealed to you, should the cosmos deem it necessary."

"However, I urge you not to dwell on this matter for now. Focus your attention on the tasks at hand, as you are still millennia away from needing to confront these weighty matters," KØD explained, emphasizing the importance of Jason's current priorities."

"The third question that I have pertains to the timing of when the cosmos begins bestowing these abilities of desire upon other beings."

"Specifically, I would like to know whether these abilities are granted before or after the birth of the individual. Additionally, you mentioned that you are not entirely certain if these abilities are directly connected to that being."

"Hence, I would like to inquire whether there is a possibility that what I possess is something different altogether." Jason posed his query, seeking further clarification on the origin and nature of the abilities he possesses.

"I can certainly clarify that the cosmos initiates the bestowal of these abilities after the birth of that being. As for my certainty regarding their connection to him, I can confidently assert that I am 99.99% certain about it."

"However, the precise nature of this relationship remains unknown to me. As for the remaining 0.01% uncertainty, I acknowledge the possibility that these abilities could be something entirely different, although such an outcome seems highly improbable."

"Nonetheless, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, we must consider all potentialities, as anything can transpire." KØD elaborated, trying to provide as much clarity as possible while acknowledging the inherent complexities of the cosmos.

"The next aspect that confuses me is the reason behind your passive observation of me since childhood. If you have been monitoring me all along, why did you not directly retrieve me from that point in time? Furthermore, I fail to comprehend why my demise on my last mission was necessary." Jason inquired, seeking a clearer understanding of KØD's actions and motivations.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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