Chapter 62: Talk with Deity part-2

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 7 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 62: Talk with Deity part-2

"Nonetheless, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, we must consider all potentialities, as anything can transpire." KØD elaborated, trying to provide as much clarity as possible while acknowledging the inherent complexities of the cosmos.

"The next aspect that confuses me is the reason behind your passive observation of me since childhood. If you have been monitoring me all along, why did you not directly retrieve me from that point in time? Furthermore, I fail to comprehend why my demise on my last mission was necessary." Jason inquired, seeking a clearer understanding of KØD's actions and motivations.

"There are a few reasons behind my choice to not directly intervene or retrieve you from your childhood, as I mentioned earlier."

"Firstly, I am bound by the restrictions of the first dimension (D.U), where I cannot interfere directly without facing severe consequences and disrupting the delicate balance of the cosmos."

"Any breach would result in punishments far worse than death. Hence, my ability to observe and guide you from a distance was limited."

"Additionally, your demise on your last mission served multiple purposes."

"As I mentioned earlier, your connection to your planet's origin had the potential to yield negative consequences, which could have influenced your future path."

"While it is true that such effects might have been reversible, my decision to orchestrate your death was motivated by the opportunity to offer you a better start, free from the entanglements that could have impeded your progress."

"This approach, although seemingly drastic, was a strategic measure taken to enhance your potential for growth and ensure a more favourable trajectory."

"As for the specific challenges and experiences you may encounter by being connected to your planet or any other origin, I believe it is best for you to discover them firsthand."

"While I could provide you with that information, I believe it holds greater value for you to explore and uncover these aspects on your own."

"This process will contribute to your personal journey, aiding in the development of your character and shaping the path you choose to pursue.

"Furthermore, your death was essential for several reasons. Firstly, it allowed you to discover the truth and unravel the knowledge I have shared with you. Without experiencing death, neither could you have found this information nor could I have guided you effectively."

"Furthermore, I have conducted thorough examinations to ensure that your death will not cause any significant problems or disruptions in the future."

"As your physical body may cease to exist, your soul remains intact, preserving its essence."

"The ability bestowed upon you will also remain until you enter the soul purification realm, where your soul can be cleansed and prepared for rebirth, devoid of memories from this life. So before that happened to you after you die I have taken your soul inside my own space"

"Additionally, I have taken into account the potential impact on your mental state. Given that you do not have strong attachments to people or your planet, the psychological effects will be minimal. Within a few months, you will find yourself restored and even stronger than before."

"These considerations, along with other safety measures, I find nothing bad in your demise".

"It enabled me to guide you appropriately and prevented any unwanted complications that may have arisen from direct interference."

"Moreover, my decision had a degree of selfishness, as it allowed me to explore alternative solutions to eliminate the being you are connected to."

"Searching for other beings like yourself would have taken an immeasurable amount of time, and there was no guarantee of success. Therefore, I made what I believed to be the right choice."

"Now that you are freed from the constraints of the first dimension and have the opportunity for accelerated growth and a solid foundation, you can become stronger faster."

"Although my assistance is limited due to the cosmic rules that govern balance, it is still a far more advantageous path than any other options available."

"It appears that you are faring better than I had anticipated, and I am pleased with the outcome of my actions. By orchestrating the circumstances that led to your death, both of us stand to benefit."

"You now have the opportunity to lay a strong foundation, delving into the origins of your newfound ability, understanding its purpose, and exploring its potential applications."

"Meanwhile, I have the chance to study you closely, hoping to gain insights from your unique ability that may aid in devising alternative methods to confront and defeat the being i seek to eliminate."

"Moreover, I can offer you enhanced opportunities to grow stronger, which will greatly benefit our cause if you become entangled in the inevitable battle with that being."

"For the time being, it is important that you set aside thoughts of the future. Your immediate focus should be on unravelling the secrets held within your ability and dedicating yourself to personal growth and empowerment."

"These are the two key areas that demand your attention. As for the specifics of how to accomplish these goals, I will provide guidance once you have addressed all your remaining doubts and inquiries." KØD said

"You mentioned earlier that the guidance for my future actions will be provided at a later time, which initially was one of the doubts that I had."

"However, since you have told me your intention to offer guidance after I finished with my doubts, I am left with my final two remaining questions."

"The first question revolves around the consequences following the destruction of the portal and its potential impact on my planet."

"While I may not possess strong personal attachments to the individuals residing there, I remain concerned about the welfare of my family and wife."

"As an individual who places great importance on responsibility, I feel compelled to assist, even if I lack strong personal attachments. It is my duty to offer help to those who have supported me in times of need."

"Thus, I am eager to gain a thorough understanding of the implications and explore any potential avenues that may allow me to intervene and protect my planet from imminent destruction."

"I am aware that I cannot accomplish this task on my own, and thus I humbly seek your assistance. Although I may not have material offerings to give, I earnestly request your intervention to save my planet."

"I firmly believe it is my inherent responsibility to protect and safeguard those I care for. Therefore, I am resolute in seeking your help, regardless of my inability to offer anything in return."

"I earnestly implore you to aid me in this endeavour, even if the level of assistance you provide may need to be adjusted in the future. This act of assistance holds immense significance for me, as it will finally allow me to bring closure to this chapter of my life."

"Lastly, I have one final question to ask. Although you have explained why you are helping me, I am still uncertain about how I can be of assistance to you."

"Considering my apparent lack of exceptional qualities or possessions, aside from this ability, I struggle to comprehend how I can contribute or offer anything in return."

"I have addressed the primary questions I had, but there are still lingering inquiries. For instance, I am curious about the possibility of individuals travelling from lower dimensions to higher ones and the mechanisms by which this can be accomplished."

"Additionally, the concept of realm planes and their significance has sparked my curiosity. Your advice to explore and seek answers independently to discover how a soul can grow stronger resonates with me."

"In the same spirit, I am determined to embark on a personal journey of exploration to unravel these remaining mysteries."

"As I have embraced my abilities and responsibilities, I am eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of the cosmos and expand my understanding of these profound concepts." Jason expressed with conviction.

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