Chapter 63: Talk with Deity Final Part

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 7 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 63: Talk with Deity Final Part

"You mentioned earlier that the guidance for my future actions will be provided at a later time, which initially was one of the doubts that I had."

"However, since you have told me your intention to offer guidance after I finished with my doubts, I am left with my final two remaining questions."

"The first question revolves around the consequences following the destruction of the portal and its potential impact on my planet."

"While I may not possess strong personal attachments to the individuals residing there, I remain concerned about the welfare of my family and wife."

"As an individual who places great importance on responsibility, I feel compelled to assist, even if I lack strong personal attachments. It is my duty to offer help to those who have supported me in times of need."

"Thus, I am eager to gain a thorough understanding of the implications and explore any potential avenues that may allow me to intervene and protect my planet from imminent destruction."

"I am aware that I cannot accomplish this task on my own, and thus I humbly seek your assistance. Although I may not have material offerings to give, I earnestly request your intervention to save my planet."

"I firmly believe it is my inherent responsibility to protect and safeguard those I care for. Therefore, I am resolute in seeking your help, regardless of my inability to offer anything in return."

"I earnestly implore you to aid me in this endeavour, even if the level of assistance you provide may need to be adjusted in the future. This act of assistance holds immense significance for me, as it will finally allow me to bring closure to this chapter of my life."

"Lastly, I have one final question to ask. Although you have explained why you are helping me, I am still uncertain about how I can be of assistance to you."

"Considering my apparent lack of exceptional qualities or possessions, aside from this ability, I struggle to comprehend how I can contribute or offer anything in return."

"I have addressed the primary questions I had, but there are still lingering inquiries. For instance, I am curious about the possibility of individuals travelling from lower dimensions to higher ones and the mechanisms by which this can be accomplished."

"Additionally, the concept of realm planes and their significance has sparked my curiosity. Your advice to explore and seek answers independently to discover how a soul can grow stronger resonates with me."

"In the same spirit, I am determined to embark on a personal journey of exploration to unravel these remaining mysteries."

"As I have embraced my abilities and responsibilities, I am eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of the cosmos and expand my understanding of these profound concepts." Jason expressed with conviction.

"Jason, you need not be concerned about the fate of your planet, for there are beings who reside there and are committed to safeguarding it. In fact, they have already discovered a viable solution to ensure its protection."

"However, be aware that significant changes lie ahead for your planet, though I am unable to divulge specific details at this time."

"Regarding your family and wife, their survival will now depend on their own resilience and resourcefulness, as my interference in such matters is restricted."

"Nevertheless, I have provided them with something that will assist them in the initial stages, but their ultimate fate rests in their own hands."

"Now, I am curious, Jason, as to why you chose to assist your wife despite having suspicions about her being a spy assigned to monitor you. What compelled you to still care for her?" KØD inquired.

"I have always been aware of the possibility that she might be working as a spy, yet I cannot overlook the fact that she has supported me when I needed it the most."

"Taking into account our marriage vows, I feel a sense of responsibility towards her well-being, and therefore, I extended my help. However, let it be clear that this will be my final act of assistance to her."

"If, in due course, I uncover evidence that she was involved in any way with the events surrounding my parents' case, I shall not easily forgive her and will take appropriate actions based on the truth."

"At this moment, all I know is that she provided minimal information about me to the department, and I remain uncertain about her innocence or guilt."

"Thus, I sought your help in safeguarding her and my family, driven by my duty to fulfil what is expected of me."

"I must admit that if I find myself unable to fulfil my responsibilities towards my own family, how can I possibly consider taking on the responsibility for the well-being of the cosmos?" Jason replied earnestly.

"You may indeed be correct in your assessment. Hahaha! It seems that, despite your denials, you possess a noble heart and strong character, always upholding your responsibilities."

"Such qualities are rare even among higher beings. Perhaps that is why you were chosen by the desire for knowledge. As the saying goes, 'Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man.'" KØD replied, acknowledging Jason's virtues.

"What I require from you at this moment is nothing, as you currently possess nothing that I may need. However, what I do need is your future self."

"If there comes a day when you attain a higher level of power, I will request your unwavering commitment to join us in the fight against that being, even if it means risking your own life."

"It is crucial that we eliminate him, as his continued existence threatens to disrupt the delicate balance of the cosmos, leading to chaos and destruction."

"Indeed, the cosmos has always been plagued by chaos and bloodshed. However, there has been a semblance of balance that prevents the powerful from tyrannizing the weak."

"Should that balance be shattered, not only will the barriers crumble, but the weak will never have the opportunity to fight back. So, if the time comes when I require your assistance in battling him, I need you to wholeheartedly agree, without hesitation."

"There are certain tasks I will ask you to complete, and while they are not mandatory, refusing to undertake them may result in punishment."

"These tasks are designed to help you grow stronger and will come with rewards. They are part of the rules that apply to all followers, whether they worship gods, deities, Asuras, or the 'Devas.' The risk of death is present in some of these missions, but they are necessary to uphold the balance and rules of the cosmos."

"However, it is important to note that these tasks are not what I truly desire from you. Every follower is expected to undertake them."

"What I truly seek from you is if your ability holds the methods to help me defeat him. At that crucial moment, I require your complete cooperation." KØD clarified, emphasizing the significance of Jason's assistance in their ultimate objective.

"Nevertheless, I won't ask you to do all of this without compensation. As my follower and someone I have come to regard as my own son, I am willing to go beyond the limits set by the rules to reward you and give you things which will help you on your journey."

"A father doesn't wish harm upon his son, and even if you don't view me as your father, I understand the lack of that kind of relationship or closeness. However, I have observed everything since the moment you were born, even things your parents and family are unaware of."

"In the future, if you require my assistance, there's no need to conceal anything. Feel free to ask, and if it lies within my capabilities, I will gladly provide it. If it's beyond my reach, I'll be honest with you."

"But for now, your focus should be on exploring and understanding your ability while striving to gain more power."

"I hope that our conversation has clarified all of your doubts. If, by chance, you still have any lingering questions, please feel free to ask them now. Keep in mind that this might be your last opportunity to do so, as later on, it may not be available."

"However, if you have indeed addressed all your inquiries, we can proceed to discuss your future endeavours, the rewards you shall receive, and the tasks that lie ahead," KØD explained.

"I appreciate that you have addressed all of my doubts, and I am content with the knowledge you have provided. However, for the remaining questions and curiosities I have, I would prefer to seek their answers through personal exploration."

"Discovering the mysteries on my own will bring a sense of fulfilment and excitement that I believe would be lacking if I knew everything in advance."

The above statement conveys Jason's gratitude and his desire to pursue his own path of discovery in a more clear and concise manner.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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