Chapter 65: Rewards Part-2

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 3 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 65: Rewards Part-2

"To truly awaken the main ability of fire magic would allow for the utilization of all sub-abilities and skills associated with fire. However, the occurrence of such a rare event is limited to once every millions of years."

"Those who achieve this feat join an esteemed group of individuals who possess the true mastery of the main ability."

"Therefore, if you choose to awaken an ability, it is likely that you will awaken a sub-ability rather than the main ability itself."

"However, should you truly awaken the main ability, you will become part of an exclusive lineage of individuals who have achieved this remarkable feat."

"Additionally, it is worth noting that while a person can possess multiple sub-abilities, having more than one main ability is exceptionally rare, even among those who are already considered rare individuals."

"Furthermore, abilities do not awaken all at once. As a being becomes more powerful, their awakened abilities gradually unfold, with the born abilities etched upon their soul being the first to awaken."

"Once an ability is awakened, the individual becomes aware of its presence, whether it is a sub-ability or a main ability."

"From there, they can begin learning and developing skills that are aligned with their awakened abilities."

"In your case, you possess the ability of desire for knowledge. However, it can be said that you haven't fully awakened this ability yet, as your planet lacks the presence of mana, and you have yet to attain the strength required to fully unlock and explore the potential of your ability."

"That's why, you are currently unable to discern the specific applications and skills associated with your ability."

"Now let's discuss skills, which operate similarly to sub-abilities. Each sub-ability encompasses various types of skills."

"For example, if someone has awakened water magic, although it may sound like a main ability, it is actually a sub-ability of liquid magic. Consequently, if you have awakened water magic, you can only access skills that are specifically related to water magic."

"Conversely, if you had awakened liquid magic, not only could you utilize all sub-abilities within that category, but you would also have access to every skill associated with the nature of liquids."

"Furthermore, the moment you awaken your affinity or ability, whether it is a main or sub-ability, you will also acquire a skill alongside it."

"However, the number of skills gained will depend on chance. If you awaken multiple affinities, you will possess at least one skill for each affinity. Similarly, when awakening an ability, you will acquire at least one skill linked to the main or sub-ability that you have awakened."

"This explains why you have not yet encountered anything related to the desire for knowledge or obtained any skills."

"Since you have not fully awakened it, you have yet to reach the requisite level of strength necessary for this ability."

"It is important to note that each ability requires a different threshold of strength for awakening. While some individuals may awaken their abilities with the strength of a baby, others may struggle to awaken them even with the power to destroy a planet."

"This does not imply that they lack an ability entirely; rather, it suggests that they need greater strength to awaken it. However, it is also possible that they do not possess an ability at all."

"In contrast to affinities, abilities can be awakened naturally at any age. However, both abilities and affinities share a common prerequisite for awakening: mana. In the case of abilities, there is an additional requirement, which is strength."

"Therefore, if your planet lacks mana, there is a 99.99% probability that even with extraordinary talent, no one can assist you in awakening either affinities or abilities."

"While you may stand out among the inhabitants of your planet, you will never surpass the mortal limitations."

"Eventually, you will perish. However, that remaining 0.01% represents the infinitesimal possibility where nothing is deemed impossible in the vast cosmos."

"Nevertheless, it is merely a display, as it is impossible for a person to awaken without an adequate amount of mana and strength."

"Once an individual awakens their affinities or abilities, they can begin learning skills that are related to their respective affinities or abilities."

"The number of skills they can learn in each category depends on their strength. The greater their strength, the greater the number and potency of the skills they can acquire."

"Before making your selection, it is crucial that you understand the information I have provided. I hope that this clarification has dispelled any previous doubts you may have had about my intentions and why you must face death."

"If you desire further knowledge regarding these topics or seek to understand mana, which you already possess prior knowledge of, you will have to embark on your own journey of discovery after your rebirth."

"Such information is readily available on most planets. However, failure to acquire this knowledge would leave you without a chance of survival or growth. Nevertheless, I have complete confidence in your capabilities to easily obtain these insights."

"Now that I have explained everything, you may take as much time as you need to choose the abilities you desire from the options before you."

"Once you have made your decision, we can proceed to discuss the first and third rewards that await you," KØD stated. He granted Jason the freedom to determine the duration he required, recognizing that these decisions required thoughtful consideration.

"Initially, Jason found himself bewildered by the sudden appearance of objects reminiscent of those in science fiction movies."

"However, as he listened to the detailed explanations provided, he began to grasp the significance of these elements."

"Understanding the potential consequences of choosing abilities without sufficient knowledge, he appreciated the importance of the information presented."

"Although the descriptions of each ability, their sub-abilities, and accompanying skills were provided, Jason found himself overwhelmed with the myriad options."

"Each ability seemed more enticing than the last, and he struggled to make a definitive choice even after investing an hour of contemplation."

"During this introspective period, Jason had an epiphany. He realized that attempting to select abilities based on their potential future usefulness would be an insurmountable task. Regardless of how much time he spent deliberating, he could still end up with an unsuitable choice."

"Deep in thought, he ultimately decided to utilize his first reward, which granted him three wishes. With these wishes, he could ask for anything he desired, other than the ones prohibited by KØD."

"By utilizing this opportunity, Jason hoped to secure the means necessary for his future endeavours, alleviating the pressure of choosing the perfect set of abilities."

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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