Chapter 66: Rewards Part-3

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 2 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 66: Rewards Part-3

"Deep in thought, he ultimately decided to utilize his first reward, which granted him three wishes. With these wishes, he could ask for anything he desired, other than the ones prohibited by KØD."

"By utilizing this opportunity, Jason hoped to secure the means necessary for his future endeavours, alleviating the pressure of choosing the perfect set of abilities."

"Sir KØD, before I proceed with selecting my other choices, I would like to utilize my three wishes," Jason stated earnestly.

"Very well. Please be reminded that if any of your wishes fall within the restricted category I warned you about, I will not fulfil them and deduct that wish from your remaining count," replied KØD, acknowledging Jason's request.

Jason replied confidently. "Rest assured, I have no intention of making any forbidden wishes. For my first wish, I desire your constant company and support throughout my entire journey. Your presence and guidance would mean a great deal to me."

"For my second wish, I request your blessings to be bestowed upon me throughout my journey. With your blessings, I believe I can overcome any obstacles and reach greater heights in my endeavours."

"As for my last wish, I humbly seek your guidance not only for this lifetime but until the very end of my existence in the cosmos. Your wisdom and counsel are invaluable, and I wish to have your guidance in all my future endeavours." Jason conveyed, expressing his heartfelt desires for the three wishes.

"Hahaha," KØD chuckled in amazement, genuinely astounded by Jason's chosen wishes. "I must admit, Jason, your wisdom and discernment continue to impress me. Your requests for these wishes are not only commendable but truly remarkable."

"While others often seek material or superficial gains, you have recognized the profound value of companionship, blessings, and guidance. These are among the most precious gifts I can bestow upon any being."

KØD paused for a moment, reflecting on Jason's words. "Indeed, the more I interact with you, the more convinced I am that the cosmos has bestowed upon you the extraordinary ability of desire for knowledge, as your character and wisdom shine through in every decision you make."

"As a token of my appreciation for your extraordinary wishes, Jason," KØD continued, his tone filled with sincerity, "I will offer you something that holds great significance to me. It is a gift that goes beyond material possessions, for it embodies the bond we share and the trust you have placed in me."

"For your first wish, I shall grant you the soul of a trusted follower of mine. While I cannot be physically present with you at all times, this soul will accompany you on your journey and provide guidance. You can trust him just as you trust me. I will reveal the identity of this soul after fulfilling all your wishes, as promised."

"As for your second wish, I bestow upon you the gift of cosmic essence. This essence will enhance your abilities, allowing you to perform tasks with 10% increased speed in all aspects of life."

"It will grant you swiftness and efficiency, empowering you to overcome challenges more effectively."

"Now, for your final wish, as I have already provided you with a guiding soul, I shall offer you something of immense value."

"This particular item was bestowed upon me by one of the 'Devas'. It is a treasure beyond measure, akin to the systems often found in the stories you have read. However, it surpasses any of your wildest imagination, granting you unparalleled capabilities and opportunities."

"I will provide you with a hint about this remarkable gift: it operates similar to a system, yet far surpasses anything you could conceive."

"The true nature and capabilities of this extraordinary item will be revealed to you once you are reborn. Until then, you must wait in anticipation to discover its full potential, but you must remember though it seems a little bit like the system you have read about never think of it like that "

Jason expressed his shock and disbelief, questioning the existence of the concepts presented to him. He seemed skeptical, as if considering them to be nothing more than fantasy theories.

KØD understood Jason's confusion and sought to provide clarity. He explained, "What you have encountered in your readings or on-screen portrayals may not be entirely accurate, as many of them are fictional creations."

"However, there is a semblance of truth to them, resembling certain aspects of the system I mentioned. How do people come to know about such things? It is rooted in their past life experiences."

"Even though individuals go through the spirit cleansing realm before being reborn, relinquishing their memories and previous identities, there are some fragments that remain etched within their soul."

"While awake, they cannot consciously recall these memories, but during their dreams, fragments of their past lives resurface. These dream experiences often include elements such as powers, stories, and various phenomena."

"Drawing from these dream memories, some people incorporate their own creative touch and weave stories around them."

"These stories, although not entirely accurate, do bear some resemblance to the actual experiences imprinted on their souls."

"As these stories gain popularity, they inspire others to develop theories, write new narratives, and explore different interpretations."

"So, while many of these stories may be fictional or exaggerated, they are often influenced by the genuine experiences glimpsed during dreams. This may explain why you sometimes hear writers claim that their stories were inspired by their dreams."

"Unconsciously, they tap into the memories embedded within their souls, channelling them into their creative works. I hope this clarifies any doubts you had."

"In addition, your planet holds a unique quality. The beings who came to your planet and starts to reside there intentionally spread stories among the people, preparing them for the changes that will occur once your planet starts to release mana."

"This is one of the reasons why, despite the fact that the people on your planet have yet to fully awaken their powers they know about a lot of these kinds of stuff, also only a select few, such as your department, are granted the ability to perform extraordinary feats hidden from the society"

"However, none of you have truly become awakened as you rely on breathing techniques rather than harnessing mana directly as in the long run it will only help you to reach just above the stage of mortal feats but it will also consume your life energy as there was no mana to support these"

"The skills you possess, like those that allow you to manipulate fire or other elements, are made possible by weapons embedded with mana stones."

"Without these weapons, none of you would be able to utilize such skills. It's important to note that a being who has truly awakened can manifest and utilize these abilities without the need for weapons, much like what you may have seen in movies or other platforms."

"As I mentioned before, your planet's mana has been shielded due to the influence of certain beings. This shielding has also caused your planet's consciousness to enter a deep slumber."

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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