Chapter 67: Rewards Part-4

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 2 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 67: Rewards Part-4

"As I mentioned before, your planet's mana has been shielded due to the influence of certain beings. This shielding has also caused your planet's consciousness to enter a deep slumber."

"However, as a result of the incident you initiated, the shield will be lifted from your planet within a year. This will help awaken the planet's consciousness that has remained dormant. Once this occurs, everything will change."

"People will gain powers, new types of monsters will emerge, and various transformations will take place. However, there is no need for concern about the destruction of your planet. Just focus on your own growth and development."

KØD's explanation aimed to assuage Jason's scepticism and shed light on the connection between dreams, memories, and the inspiration behind various stories and theories.

"Now, place your hands upon these three objects, one by one," KØD instructed. Jason followed his guidance, laying his hands upon the first object—the soul.

As soon as his touch connected with the soul, it seamlessly merged with his own essence, becoming intricately entwined with his being. The same process repeated for the remaining two objects, each one absorbed into Jason's body without any noticeable sensation.

"These artifacts, now enmeshed with your soul, shall remain bound to you for all eternity. Only in the realms of soul purification can they be separated from you, but be wary, for few possess the means to extract them. Therefore, it is crucial that you guard this knowledge and refrain from divulging it to anyone."

KØD sensed Jason's desire for assistance in selecting his abilities. With a reassuring tone, he said, "Rest assured, I understand the precise abilities that will serve you best. Allow me to guide you in this crucial decision."

At his words, three radiant orbs, glowing with a golden hue, materialized before Jason. As they swiftly entered his body, a euphoric chime reverberated, momentarily engulfing him in a heavenly sensation.

However, this ethereal bliss quickly dissipated, and within a span of five seconds, Jason returned to his normal state.

"Now, let us discuss the first ability I have chosen for you: Matter Manipulation. While the chances of you gaining the main power of Matter Manipulation are quite slim, there is a high probability of acquiring sub-abilities related to this field."

"Do not worry, for even these sub-abilities possess significant power and will serve as your primary offensive capability."

"For the second ability, I have selected a defensive aspect to complement your offensive prowess. 'Defence Magic' has been chosen, and similar to Matter Manipulation, there is a greater likelihood of obtaining sub-abilities within this domain."

"The specific sub-abilities you gain will depend on your fortune and the awakening process."

"Lastly, I have chosen an ability that may prove to be of immense value to you. 'Morphology Manipulation' is an exceptionally rare ability, and even its sub-abilities bear similarities to the main power."

"While this ability may not directly aid you in combat, it possesses vast potential and will benefit you in countless other ways. Through Morphology Manipulation, you can alter your body shape and perform various other remarkable feats."

"I refrain from providing detailed information about these abilities at present, as they will become known to you once awakened."

"Seek knowledge about them through books and other sources. It is important to note that not all abilities will awaken simultaneously."

"Each ability requires specific levels of strength and mana within your body for their awakening. Therefore, do not be concerned if your abilities do not awaken simultaneously; they will manifest in due time."

"In the meantime, you can engage in the process of learning abilities. While it is crucial to invest significant effort in developing the abilities you awaken naturally, you can also explore various methods to learn additional abilities."

"However, it is crucial to prioritize honing the abilities you have naturally awakened. This approach offers several advantages."

"Firstly, progress in developing these naturally awakened abilities will be significantly faster compared to those acquired through other means."

"Additionally, focusing on natural abilities enables you to more easily and extensively progress the associated skills, amplifying your overall capabilities."

"In the long run, natural abilities play a defining role in setting an individual apart from others. They are unique to each person and contribute to the diverse array of talents found in the cosmos."

"While learning abilities obtained through alternative methods is beneficial, the essence of an individual's strength often lies in the natural gifts they possess."

"By all means, continue to learn new abilities, but do not overlook the inherent power of the abilities you awaken naturally."

"Embrace the full spectrum of your capabilities, as they collectively shape your potential and journey throughout the cosmos."

"At present, you have four confirmed abilities that will awaken naturally: the three I have bestowed upon you, and the ability of desire for knowledge granted to you by the cosmos."

"However, I sense the potential for more abilities to awaken naturally within you. When this occurs, do not be surprised, for it is a commonplace phenomenon that transpires for all individuals."

KØD concluded his explanation, ensuring that Jason had a clearer understanding of the abilities bestowed upon him and the process of their awakening.

"Now that we have concluded the previous matters, let us proceed to the final aspect: your three choices. I will be guiding you in selecting options that align with your species and the planet of your rebirth."

"Regarding the age you wish to be born, that decision is entirely yours. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind."

"If you choose to be born as a baby, you will not retain any memories at that time. A child's brain is not yet developed enough to handle a vast array of memories."

"Instead, all your memories will be locked within your soul. As you grow and your mind strengthens, these memories will gradually resurface between the ages of 6 to 10."

"I must emphasize the importance of not choosing ages between 1 to 8 years for your rebirth. The reason being that, in order to be reborn at those ages, you would need to acquire a new body."

"Placing your soul inside another being is not a viable option, as it would limit your potential and restrict you to individuals with low talent or unpredictable circumstances."

"If I were to place you within a family and alter their memories, you would not possess any recollection of your past, so you would not be able to take care of the dead body of the being which I will replace you with. This would inevitably raise suspicions and create complications."

"On the other hand, if you were placed as an orphan or in a similar situation without familial support, it would be challenging for you to provide for yourself, often leading to dire consequences such as resorting to begging or, in many cases, succumbing to dead within a short span of 10 days to 1 month."

"Considering these factors, I strongly recommend choosing either to be born as a baby or between the ages of 10 to 15."

"The most favourable scenario for you would be to select an age between 10 to 15 for your rebirth. This choice would allow me to place you within a suitable family, taking into consideration the circumstances of the person whose body you will replace."

"In particular, I can arrange for you to be born into a family where the parents have already passed away. This ensures that you will not face unnecessary challenges or be subjected to unwanted pressures."

"Rest assured, I will carefully modify the memories of the family members and individuals who come into contact with the person whose identity you assume."

"This will effectively eliminate any suspicions or doubts that may arise regarding your appearance or the circumstances surrounding your presence in their lives. You can begin your new life with a sense of security and stability"

"The reason for the process of being reborn and replacing a deceased individual is to avoid raising suspicion and prevent the planet's consciousness from detecting your presence."

"If I were to place you directly without such precautions, the planetary consciousness would immediately sense your arrival and send people to capture you, seeking to uncover your intentions."

"Given your current weak state, you would be unable to defend yourself, resulting in either your demise or enslavement, depending on the circumstances. Hence, the procedure is necessary if you wish to be reborn at any age other than as a baby."

"Choosing to be born as a baby, however, has its own drawbacks. It would limit your ability to determine your race, talent level, and family circumstances."

"On the other hand, selecting the option I presented allows you to be born as any race you desire, with the greatest possible talent. I will personally provide you with the body, and there is no need to worry about your appearance."

"You have the freedom to choose any features you desire, as I will also alter the memories of all individuals who are acquainted with the person whose identity you will assume. This means that even if you opt for a different appearance or race, I can easily modify their memories accordingly."

"Now, it is up to you to decide what you prefer. Please let me know your choice." KØD clarified, awaiting Jason's decision.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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