Chapter 71: Dead or Alive?

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 71: Dead or Alive?

Finally, he engaged in a few martial arts-inspired movements, exploring the capabilities and limits of his strength in this altered form.

"So, how do you feel?" he asked Jason within their mental connection.

"It's not great at the moment. I feel incredibly weak. I had to exert a lot of effort just to perform basic movements. I can't even lift a pound of weight. But that's a concern for later. Right now, I need to search this area and had to find the body whom we replace. It must be somewhere nearby," Jason responded, his determination evident.

"Yes, that's our top priority. We must locate it swiftly and had to take care of it before someone else discovers it. If it falls into the wrong hands, the consequences could be dire," he concurred, emphasizing the urgency of the task at hand.

Having to make a decision, Jason opted to open the door closest to him without pondering much on the matter.

He cautiously turned the knob and swung open the door, revealing a darkened room. The faint light filtering in through the doorway offered a glimpse of what lay within.

As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he realized he had stepped into a rather sizable bedroom, much like the one he had been in previously.

Furniture was scattered haphazardly throughout the room, clothes were strewn about, and a large bed commanded attention.

It was an imposing bed, measuring at least 15 feet in length, indicating a significant presence lying upon it.

"It seems there is someone on the bed, but I cannot ascertain whether it is the person I have replaced or someone entirely different," Jason mused.

The figure sprawled on the bed was immense, towering over 10 to 12 feet in height. Jason's uncertainty was compounded by the fact that the individual was concealed under a blanket, making it difficult to discern whether they were alive or not. He could not determine any signs of breathing.

If the person turned out to be someone other than the one he had replaced, Jason would find himself in a precarious situation.

Not only would he lack answers regarding how he had suddenly found himself inside someone else's home, but he would also be defenceless and unable to escape in his current feeble state. His body lacked the strength necessary to fend off any potential attack.

"Don't worry," he reassured Jason, responding to his concerns.

"Considering the evidence at hand, it is strongly indicative that the individual lying on the bed is indeed the one you have replaced. However, even if by some chance it turns out to be someone else, it is apparent that the person in question is no longer alive," his companion clarified, reinforcing the notion that the individual on the bed had already passed away.

"Moreover, we are now on a different planet, where numerous species with varying attributes and features coexist."

"Age cannot be determined solely by appearance here, as some beings can grow to be hundreds of meters tall before reaching one year of age, while others can be less than 10 centimetres and live for thousands of years."

Curiosity piqued, Jason sought an explanation for the certainty expressed by his companion. After all, his recent occupation involved invasion and lethal activities still he was not sure about how he was sure about it.

"There are several reasons to support my assertion," his companion began. "Firstly, observe the clothing carefully. You will notice variations in size, with larger garments appearing newer compared to smaller ones."

"Although one might argue that these clothes could belong to different people, their similar style suggests they belong to a single individual."

"Furthermore," he continued, "the presence of identical clothes in different sizes suggests that they originated from an institution or a place with a specific dress code. It is reminiscent of educational or academic settings, where individuals attend for study purposes, rather than clothes worn for work or combat situations."

Jason listened intently as his companion detailed further evidence. "Another key point is the presence of dirt marks and signs of wear on the clothing. Some of the older garments even show signs of tearing, consistent with either combat or someone forcibly pulling on them."

His companion's attention then shifted to a book on a nearby piece of furniture. "Furthermore, that book you see over there is commonly used by those who have recently awakened affinity for their mana-absorbing."

"It appears to be a recent purchase, no more than half a year old. It suggests that the individual who owned these clothes awakened their affinity within the past few months."

"Moreover, I can confidently assert this based on the fact that if the individual had awakened their affinity over a year ago, they would have likely advanced far beyond the requirement for basic techniques."

"Unless they were encountering difficulties or lagging behind in their progress, the need for such fundamental techniques would have been surpassed," his companion explained, solidifying the reasoning behind their conclusion.

Addressing the concern of whether the person on the bed was deceased, his companion explained, "If he were alive, he would have either attacked you or captured you by now."

"Considering the considerable level of proficiency achieved by individuals who have awakened their affinity, it is 100% that he would have detected your presence the moment you entered the room."

"Given your relative weakness compared to him, unless you possessed some exceptional skill or were significantly more powerful, he would have noticed you long before you could take a single breath."

"Furthermore, the presence of the technique book strongly suggests that he awakened his affinity at least three to four months ago."

"Even if he had utilized this technique, he would have undoubtedly made substantial progress in his abilities, making it highly unlikely for him to remain oblivious to the presence of someone as comparatively feeble as yourself."

"Furthermore, I must note that apart from the individual on the bed, there is no sign of anyone else within any of the rooms."

"I can assert this with confidence without even conducting a thorough inspection, as the same scenario of immediate detection and reaction would have occurred if there were other individuals present, as I explained in my previous statement."

With his comprehensive explanation, his companion confidently concluded the matter, shedding light on the situation at hand.

Upon hearing the last statement, a tinge of fear crept into Jason's mind. The realization that, had there been someone else present, his fate would likely have been grim or he could have already met his demise sent shivers down his spine.

The thought of his story abruptly ending before it even began caused perspiration to bead on his forehead.

Moreover, uncertainty clouded his mind regarding the possibility of KØD being able to resurrect him if he were to meet an unfortunate demise.

The situation seemed perilous, and the weight of its implications weighed heavily on his thoughts.

"What? If the situation is truly as serious as you claim, why didn't you warn me earlier when I was examining my body and testing my physical abilities?"

Jason asked, his tone tinged with frustration. Although he was uncertain if emotions could truly be conveyed during their mind-to-mind communication, with another soul occupying the same body, his frustration was apparent in his words.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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