Chapter 70: First Light

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 70: First Light

(Author's note: From now on, the term "Subject" will be used when characters engage in conversation, whether it is through spoken words or telepathic communication.

'Subject': This term will be used when characters are engaged in internal thoughts or self-reflection.)

After approximately two minutes, he spoke up again. "It's done."

"What? You've finished already?" Jason asked, his confusion evident. He had expected the process to take much longer, assuming that altering a technique would require more than just a few seconds.

"Yes, I did everything within my power to make slight adjustments to one of your existing techniques. This modified version will allow you to absorb a small amount of mana immediately, but it won't be sustainable in the long run."

"Once this situation is resolved, you'll need to learn a proper mana-absorbing technique promptly," he explained.

"Now, let me transfer the information about the technique. Take some time to read it thoroughly and attempt to use it."

"If it doesn't yield the desired results, I will have to make more significant changes, which could pose a challenge for you to learn quickly," he elaborated, emphasizing the potential difficulties ahead.

Jason nodded in acknowledgement, and suddenly, the information about the improved version of one of his techniques appeared in his mind. The transmission was seamless, as if he had effortlessly recalled a long-forgotten memory.

The technique that had been enhanced was the familiar set of 102 techniques he had received from his department. These techniques were widely used by everyone in his department to cultivate strength and power.

However, as Jason examined the modified version, he discerned that it was still rooted in the original 102 techniques.

Yet, through skilful alterations, it had been condensed into a single comprehensive set of techniques, more refined and efficient than its predecessor..

Without wasting any more time Jason started to read the technique and as he read further things become clear to him why he can never can absorb mana and how they were getting stronger using the old technique even when they can't have a bit of mana but still able to use his weapon to use different elements.

It's because mana is also a form of energy and what they were consuming were also a form of energy know as 'Solaris' which use to strengthen the body and get powerful but it didn't come close to mana and can only help them reach the peak of mortal limit.

To break this limit mana or other similar higher form of energy is needed as for how can use mana KØD had already told him that the weapon was built with a special thing which help them to convert the energy in his body to elemental energy.

Now this improved version uses the same method to absorb the energy inside a body but instead of 'Solaris' it will absorb mana.

This new and improved technique not only enhanced one's strength and power but also granted the ability to wield elemental skills without relying on external aids. Unlike "Solaries," this technique enabled the storage of mana within a designated space within the practitioner's body.

The refined technique encompassed a comprehensive approach, combining the benefits of increased strength and the internal reservoir for mana.

It represented a significant advancement compared to its predecessor, offering a more holistic and self-contained method for harnessing and channelling one's abilities though this one is only useful for small mana absorption and temporary basis.

"Have you read it thoroughly?" he inquired.

Jason nodded with determination and responded, "Yes, I have. I believe I can do it. The technique seems almost similar to the previous one, so I'll remain hopeful for the best possible outcome."

Without wasting any more time, Jason proceeded to implement the technique, meticulously following each step outlined in the instructions.

Initially, nothing seemed to happen, but he persisted, repeating the process over and over again. Then, unexpectedly, a surge of energy began to permeate his body.

To his amazement, Jason could sense the energy as it traversed through every part of his being. It first entered his body through his navel, but its stay there was brief.

The energy swiftly moved toward his heart, from where it radiated outward, spreading throughout his entire body. As it passed through different regions, a remarkable transformation occurred.

Jason starts to gained gradual control over his legs, followed by his hands, and, finally, he achieved complete mastery over his upper body.

Slowly, Jason began to open his eyes, momentarily blinded by the sudden influx of light. After a brief adjustment period, his vision cleared, revealing his surroundings.

He found himself facing a white wall, adorned with a door positioned at the corner. Gently turning his head, he took in the rest of the room—a space adorned with various pieces of furniture, including a couch and tables but everything was pretty big.

Another notable aspect was the presence of familiar patterns and structures, despite the scale being significantly different from his previous world.

Jason couldn't fathom the reasons behind this similarity, but it brought him a sense of comfort and ease amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

The fact that there were recognizable elements in this new environment provided a small anchor for him, facilitating a smoother transition into the unknown.

As he surveyed the room, Jason shifted his attention to his own body, conducting a thorough inspection. He sought any changes that might have occurred during his transformation into this new species.

Carefully examining each limb and appendage, he noted that, apart from his face, which he couldn't assess without a mirror, there were no major alterations.

He still possessed two hands, two legs, and a male physique—his gender intact. He was relieved, as his mindset aligned with his original gender, and he had no desire to inhabit a body that contradicted his identity.

Some subtle differences were present, such as his slender legs and shorter stature, even for a 14-year-old—his current apparent age. His skin bore a light bluish hue, distinguishing him from the human form he once possessed.

However, the most notable change became apparent as he surveyed his body—a tail. Similar to that of a monkey, it extended about one foot in length, with a diameter of approximately three centimetres.

Its deep blue colour contrasted with his body, culminating in a bush of blue-hued hair at its end. While Jason acknowledged that having a tail was a characteristic observed in many other species on his planet, he found it unsettling and knew it would take time to adjust.

Moreover, he quickly realized that he had no control over his tail, indicating the need to devote additional effort to learning how to manoeuvre and control it.

Moreover, as Jason underwent the process of rebirth, he discovered that he was not left unclothed. Adorning his body was a set of garments resembling the attire he had been accustomed to wearing on Earth.

The clothing featured a distinctive pattern with shades of blue and black, reminiscent of the styles he was familiar with.

This unexpected provision of clothing alleviated any initial concerns of feeling exposed or vulnerable in his new surroundings, offering a sense of familiarity and reassurance.

After carefully evaluating the room and his body, Jason initiated a series of movements to test his strength and agility.

He flexed his hands and then his legs, gradually increasing his motions. He proceeded to jump several times, feeling the extent of his newfound physical prowess.

Finally, he engaged in a few martial arts-inspired movements, exploring the capabilities and limits of his strength in this altered form.

"So, how do you feel?" he asked Jason within their mental connection.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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