Chapter 69: New Life, New Start, Same Chaos

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{A/N- This marks the start of a new arc. I hope just as you have sown your love for the first one you will continue showing on this arc and the ones yet to come}

Chapter 69: New Life, New Start, Same Chaos

"I found myself enveloped in an indescribable sensation, where all my senses seemed to be blocked, leaving me devoid of any perception."

"It was as if darkness itself took on a new form, an emptiness that transcended the mere absence of light. This sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, even during the moments of my previous demise."

"When I perished before, there was a fleeting instance of blankness, only to be followed by darkness. But now, it felt like an entirely different realm of existence, a profound nothingness that left me both curious and unsettled."

"Fortunately, the overwhelming darkness began to recede, gradually allowing my senses to return. Though the darkness persisted, I caught glimpses of faint light passing through my eyelids."

"As I became more conscious of my surroundings, it became evident that I had indeed been reborn in the body bestowed upon me by KØD."

"However, I still found myself lacking control over any part of my new form, and I remained oblivious to its physical appearance."

"Nevertheless, I sensed a gradual improvement in my ability to exert control over my body's movements with each passing moment."

"Realizing the urgency of the situation, I felt a pressing need to swiftly establish mastery over my new vessel."

"Being unaware of the circumstances surrounding my rebirth, it became imperative for me to swiftly attend to the deceased body of the being I had replaced."

"I understood that any discovery of the switch would undoubtedly lead to chaos and upheaval, something I was keen to avoid mere moments after my rebirth."

"Taking immediate action to handle the situation discreetly was crucial to maintaining a semblance of normalcy and preventing unnecessary disturbances."

"While contemplating these thoughts within the confines of my mind, an unfamiliar voice unexpectedly broke the silence, causing an instant surge of fear to course through me."

"Although I was unable to physically react due to my lack of control over my body, the startling nature of the voice left me momentarily shaken."

"Hello, it appears that you are now the new owner of my soul. We may have many things to discuss, but now doesn't seem like the right time for it."

Surprisingly, Jason wasn't taken aback by the unexpected voice. He had already anticipated that he would eventually communicate with the soul residing within him, even though he didn't expect it to happen immediately.

Thus, while the voice initially startled him, he quickly composed himself, as he had already figured out the identity behind the voice.

"It is indeed true that our decisions and actions will have a significant impact on our future. Since we share the same body, it is imperative that we work together harmoniously."

"While I may hold the upper hand in this arrangement, I have no desire to create any conflicts or complications. Once we have resolved the current situation at hand, we can delve into a more in-depth discussion about our shared future." Jason said

"It's reassuring to hear your understanding and willingness to cooperate. While you acknowledge my authority in this shared space, I want to assure you that I don't want to hold any authority or control."

"The provisions and opportunities that have been granted to me are more than sufficient. Therefore, I am willing to comply with any requests or instructions you may have, without any desire for personal gain."

"Now that we have agreed to discuss our future plans later, do you have any solutions for the current situation?" Jason asked, his inability to gain control over his body still persisting.

It was worth noting that their conversations took place solely within his mind, as KØD had previously explained the limitations and the nature of their communication along with other details about him.

"Did sir hire not inform you about how to gain control over your body?" he asked Jason.

"No, he mentioned that if I couldn't achieve it on my own, I could seek your assistance," Jason replied.

"Do you possess any mana breathing techniques that could be used to absorb mana? The body requires just a small amount of mana to gain proper control, so if you can focus on utilizing such techniques, you should be able to achieve control," he explained.

"I do know some breathing techniques, but I'm uncertain if they can be used for mana absorption since I never truly absorbed mana in my previous life," Jason admitted.

"Hmm, why don't you allow me to access the information regarding those techniques? I can determine whether they can be utilized for mana absorption or not," he suggested.

"Alright, let's proceed with that approach," Jason agreed, granting him permission to access the memories and information concerning the breathing techniques.

It was essential to grant access to the memories because their relationship was not that of a traditional master and servant. Both parties were bound by specific rules established by KØD, ensuring that no one could exploit or invade the other's mind without consent.

This rule was designed to prevent potential conflicts and protect their individuality. Thus, respecting each other's privacy and requiring mutual permission to access memories was one of the fundamental guidelines set by KØD for their harmonious coexistence.

"This one won't work, nor this one... Hmmm, this one won't work either," He muttered as he gained access to the information.

He diligently checked each breathing technique he knew, hoping to find one that would allow him to absorb mana. In a matter of seconds, he had already finished reading about every single technique.

"I've examined each technique in detail, but they all seem to be ordinary methods for strengthening the body until reaching its mortal limits. None of them truly enable mana absorption," He concluded with a hint of disappointment.

"I do have many techniques that can teach you how to absorb mana, but they require time to study and master. Unfortunately, we are currently inside your mind, and you don't have control over your body to practice them," He added.

"This has become quite challenging," HE sighed.

"Why don't you use those techniques instead of mine and gain control? Afterward, I can take over," Jason suggested, interjecting between his companion's words.

"It's not as easy as you might think. While I will also reside within this body, you are the original owner. I am merely here to assist you and can only occupy a fraction of this space."

"Initially, only the true owner can take control and master these techniques. If I were to attempt it, it would be ineffective and even make it more difficult for you to gain control," his companion explained patiently to Jason.

"Let me see if I can somehow improve any of the techniques you know, but please be patient as it may take some time," he said to Jason, determined to find a solution. He began working diligently on the task, fully focused on his objective.

Jason agreed, realizing that he couldn't do anything except remain silent and allow his companion the necessary space to work efficiently. He had complete trust in his companion, as KØD told him that he can trust him at the same level he trust KØD. He held onto the trust he had in KØD's words, not doubting his abilities or intentions.

Unbeknownst to them, KØD observed the unfolding situation from an undisclosed location. As he watched their interaction, he recognized the significance of this task in fostering cooperation and building trust between them.

"It's a positive development to see them starting to help each other. This task will serve as the first step in establishing a bond of cooperation and faith between them," KØD contemplated, his thoughts revealing that this was a deliberate plan he had set in motion.

It was a carefully designed task aimed at laying the foundation for a stronger connection between Jason and his companion.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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