Chapter 73: Poison?

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 73: Poison?

"Simply check your pocket; he must have placed it there," Bud responded.

Following Bud's suggestion, Jason reached into his pocket and to his surprise, discovered the very same emblem that KØD had given him during their previous encounter.

The enigmatic transfer of the emblem left Jason pondering how it had made its way into his possession.

Although uncertain of the exact details, Jason surmised that KØD must have placed it in his pocket during the process of transferring him to this new realm.

With caution in his every step, Jason approached the bed, mindful of Bud's earlier assurance that the individual lying there was already deceased. Despite the reassurance, his prior experiences urged him to remain vigilant.

As he drew closer to the bed, Jason carefully lifted the blanket that obscured the person's features. The dim lighting in the room hindered his ability to see clearly, but it became apparent that the being before him was indeed lifeless.

The figure possessed a formidable muscular build, standing at an imposing height of approximately 10 to 12 feet. Four thick limbs protruded from his sturdy frame, giving him an overall humanoid appearance.

However, the most human aspect of the being was his face. Resembling that of any ordinary human, it featured a nose, two eyes, and two ears. Despite the enormity of his body, it was evident from his youthful countenance face that he was still just a child.

Jason's concern was evident in his voice as he inquired, "He appears to be in perfect health, devoid of any visible injuries. So, how did he meet his demise? Could it be that someone maliciously poisoned him?"

The mere thought sent shivers down his spine, for if it were true, it would become a deeply troubling matter. As Jason had assumed the identity of this person, everyone would recognize him as the one he had replaced.

This realization struck him with a chilling realization: the individual behind the poisoning attempt might make another nefarious move to ensure his elimination.

"Sufficient lighting and removing his clothes would allow me to examine the situation," Bud suggested.

Jason continued his search for a means to illuminate the room or open the windows, yet his efforts proved fruitless. The absence of any visible switches or mechanisms left him feeling frustrated and helpless.

"Just remove his clothes," Bud reiterated, observing Jason's struggle.

Resolute in his task, Jason approached the motionless body, attempting to tear open the garments that covered it.

However, despite exerting all his strength, he found himself unable to rip even a single thread. The fabric resisted his efforts, remaining intact and unyielding. Jason's frustration grew as his physical limitations prevented him from disrobing the colossal figure.

Exhausted and panting, he momentarily paused, seeking a solution to this seemingly insurmountable challenge.

Jason's determination surged as he thought, 'There must be something in this house that I can use to cut his clothes.'

Leaving the room behind, he ventured into the rest of the dwelling, driven by a renewed sense of purpose. This time, luck was on his side, as he swiftly discovered a utensil that could serve his purpose—an object resembling a knife.

However, referring to it as a knife in the conventional sense would be misleading, for it was a two-foot-long tool he had not been accustomed to in his previous life.

Considering the proportions of a 10-foot individual, Jason inferred that this object was indeed the equivalent of a knife, used for cutting and preparing food in the kitchen.

'What type of things he used on this for' Jason thought before returning to the room.

"Now let's see if this works," Jason murmured as he cautiously wielded the knife, aiming to slice through the garments without causing any harm to the underlying skin. He was determined to avoid any unintended injury that might lead to bloodshed.

As he carefully cut open the upper clothing, the chest area of the lifeless figure was finally revealed. Jason's attention was drawn to a large, discoloured patch on the chest, exhibiting a faint yellow hue.

Though uncertain of the cause, he speculated whether the person had been poisoned. However, his pondering was abruptly interrupted by a voice that provided clarity and dispelled his doubts within his own mind.

"He died due to poison, but it wasn't administered through food or any conventional means. Instead, he was poisoned during a fight or similar altercation," Bud explained.

Curious to understand the details, Jason inquired further, seeking a comprehensive explanation that would enhance his knowledge and aid his future development, enabling him to discern such occurrences independently without relying solely on Bud's assistance.

"If you examine the affected area closely, you'll notice a distinct discolouration and a burning sensation on the skin. This suggests that the poison was delivered directly to that specific region."

"Had the poison been ingested through other means, such as food or drink, there would be no localized discolouration. In fact, the poison used was relatively low in potency and could have been easily treated with appropriate medication."

"Another notable aspect is that the poison didn't lead to immediate death, but rather took a span of two to three days to manifest its effects fully. Furthermore, the fact that only the area where the poison entered the body changed in colour indicates that it was injected through the skin."

Bud continued his explanation, shedding light on the nature of the poison. "The poison itself is not powerful enough to cause significant skin burns."

"This suggests that it was most likely injected when the victim was subjected to a fire-based or similar elemental attack, as there is no evidence of weapons or external sources of the poison." Bud said.

"As for how I can demonstrate this, allow me to show you. Take the knife and thrust it into the body with all your strength," Bud commanded.

Jason hesitated, finding it difficult to comprehend why stabbing a lifeless body would provide any clarity. "Why do you want me to do this? It will only create a mess," Jason voiced his concerns.

"Just trust me and do it," Bud replied, his tone firm and unwavering.

Left with no alternative and curious about Bud's intentions, Jason reluctantly complied, driven by the belief that Bud would not lead him into a futile or messy situation.

Without further delay, he firmly grasped the knife and thrust it into the lifeless body. Jason felt no apprehension about creating a mess, as his previous experiences as an "Explorer" had exposed him to far worse scenarios. This act was trivial in comparison.

However, to his utter astonishment, the knife made no mark on the body upon contact. Not a single scratch appeared, and to make matters even more bewildering, the blade of the knife itself bent as if it had struck an impenetrable block of iron.

"What on earth?" Jason couldn't help but exclaim, his voice filled with disbelief. The scene before him defied all his expectations.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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