Chapter 74: Reason Behind The Poisoning

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 74: Reason Behind The Poisoning

"What on earth?" Jason couldn't help but exclaim, his voice filled with disbelief. The scene before him defied all his expectations.

Undeterred by this strange phenomenon, his curiosity intensified, and without hesitation, he proceeded to stab almost every part of the body, from head to toe. Yet, once again, the skin remained unscathed, and the knife continued to bend with each futile attempt.

Puzzled, Jason took a deep breath and uttered in frustration, "Is my strength truly so feeble that I cannot even pierce a body? But if that were the case, the knife would not have bent like this."

"It's a combination of both your strength and the weapon you're using that prevented you from leaving a single mark. Allow me to explain further. The knife you wield is made from regular materials like the ones found on your previous planet or any other planet."

"While such weapons can be lethal to ordinary beings, they are less effective against individuals like you in your past life who are utilizing Solaris to enhance their strength."

"Although it could have pierced their skin, it wouldn't have been enough to end their life. However, if someone possessed sufficient strength, they could still harm those employing 'Solaris,' even with a tool crafted from regular materials."

"The same principle applies here, but with a slight difference. The being before you is a 'Ferion,' one of the most common species in the First Dimensional Universe (D.U)."

"Their skin is naturally hardened, rendering ordinary weapons ineffective even before awakening their affinity and practising Mana techniques to further strengthen themselves."

"As they awaken their affinity and practice Mana techniques to become stronger, their body's resilience increases. Thus, normal weapons won't suffice against them, unless wielded by someone of equal strength or greater."

"To inflict damage, one needs a tool made from special materials. However, not just anyone can pierce their skin using such a specialized tool. Adequate strength is also required."

"Furthermore, it is important to note that the fact that beings have awakened their affinity and utilize mana to enhance themselves does not render them invincible. If an individual possesses sufficient strength, they can effectively utilize a regular weapon crafted from common materials to eliminate anyone, regardless of their awakened abilities."

"Additionally, there are numerous species that surpass the Ferions in strength and every other aspect, even without awakening their affinity or using Mana techniques."

"However, after beings awaken their affinity and start using mana to strengthen themselves, individuals who were once weaker than the Ferions or other species can now effortlessly defeat or overcome significantly more powerful adversaries using elemental attacks, skills, and various other methods."

"For instance, consider the Titans, a species capable of effortlessly demolishing a regular town even without awakening their affinity or utilizing mana to enhance their strength."

"A one-year-old Titan can reach a towering height of approximately 20 meters, while a Titan of the same age as your current body can reach a staggering 50 meters. This demonstrates the immense power they possess."

"On the other hand, we have the Lupins, a species that was traditionally considered weaker than the average human in your past life. Prior to awakening their affinity or any other abilities, Lupins would typically stand at a maximum height of around 5 feet."

"However, upon awakening their mana and harnessing their full potential, even the weakest Lupins can surpass Titans three times more powerful than the weakest titan who has also awakened their affinity and utilised mana."

"It's truly remarkable how an awakening can transform the weakest into the strongest and vice versa."

"In your past life, you were not fully awakened, and therefore, you had no knowledge of these transformations."

"But now, if you wish to become stronger, you must relinquish everything you knew from your previous life and focus solely on what lies ahead. The knowledge and understanding you possessed before will become obsolete in the face of your future endeavours."

"So, the mark you observed on the body was likely inflicted by someone weaker than the Ferion. Although it only penetrated the skin and didn't reach the muscles, the attack contained a low-level poison."

"If left untreated, this poison can prove fatal to vulnerable individuals, which seems to have been the case for him. Either he neglected to seek proper care or was unaware that poison had been injected into his body during the attack. It eventually claimed his life."

"However, it's important to note that what worked against him may not be effective against all beings. As individuals grow more powerful, low-level attacks and poisons cease to be effective. Thus, one could argue that he wasn't strong enough to render the attack ineffective."

"This also explains why you weren't able to pierce his skin. Your current strength is insufficient to penetrate even his skin using a normal tool. However, even with a specialized tool, piercing his skin would require your strength to be slightly lower than his." Bud explained, shedding light on the situation.

"So that implies that either he perished due to his own ignorance or he was unaware of being poisoned," Jason questioned after comprehending Bud's explanation, which not only broadened his knowledge but also alleviated many of his uncertainties.

"Yes, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of someone intentionally causing his demise. We can contemplate that later. For now, let's focus on the task at hand and use the emblem to extract his DNA," Bud advised.

"Rest assured, you need not fear being poisoned, as the emblem possesses the ability to neutralize any form of poison. Inject the extracted DNA into yourself, and not only will you inherit his genetic traits, but also his affinity if he possessed one."

"Additionally, by extracting his DNA using the emblem, you will attain the same power level he possessed before his demise, granting you a significant advantage by not having to start from scratch."

"Furthermore, you will gain access to most of his memories, which holds a 99% likelihood of uncovering the events leading to his death."

"However, if for some reason you don't receive the memory pertaining to that specific event, we will address it accordingly," Bud elaborated.

"So, what should I do now? Should I just place it on his body or is there something else?" Jason inquired.

"Just place it on his body. The emblem will automatically extract the necessary elements, and once you place it on your own body, it will carry out its intended function," Bud explained.

As Jason reached into his pocket to take out the emblem, a sudden ring burst from somewhere inside the house, startling him immensely.

The unexpected sound caused his body to freeze for a few seconds, his heart pounding with fear and surprise.

Bud continued calling out to Jason in his mind, "Jason, Jason, Jas..."

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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