Chapter 75: Who is it?

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 75: Who is it?

Bud continued calling out to Jason in his mind, "Jason, Jason, Jas..."

Startled by the persistent calls, Jason finally unfroze, his senses heightened from the sudden sound. Although the ringing had stopped, he couldn't determine its source or the cause behind it, leaving him puzzled and on edge.

'Even a simple sound freezes my body. I must train my body to avoid such vulnerabilities in the future,' As Jason pondered the situation, he realized the severity of the frozen response his body exhibited. In a combat or dangerous scenario, even a split-second freeze could be fatal.

He couldn't afford to let such vulnerabilities persist, especially in his current predicament. If someone had appeared while he was frozen, the consequences could have been dire.

He felt a sense of relief knowing that Bud, the other being residing within him, had repeatedly called out to him, causing him to unfreeze.

Without Bud's intervention, the outcome could have been much worse. This realization emphasized the importance of having Bud as a companion, as his presence provided a layer of protection and awareness that Jason didn't possess on his own.

Determined to address this issue, Jason resolved to train his body rigorously to prevent such freezing from occurring again.

Whether it was physical conditioning, mental fortitude, or mastering his abilities, he knew he had to be ready for any challenge that lay ahead. With Bud as a partner, guide and mentor, he felt more confident in facing the unknown that awaited him.

"Bud, do you have any idea what could have caused that sound?" Jason inquired, his thoughts filled with various potential explanations which were circling in his head.

"I can't determine the cause of the sound right now since we are in an unfamiliar place with limited to no information other than the ones we have seen till now which held about nearly zero information."

"However, based on what I can sense, it doesn't appear to be intentionally harmful at the moment. But we can't be certain about its intentions in the future. I suggest you go and stealthily investigate the source of the sound."

"This way, we can gather more information and better prepare ourselves for whatever might come next. If it's something I recognize, I'll alert you before it escalates into something more dangerous."

"Given our current dire situation, we don't have many options other than staying here or venturing out to find out what's causing the sound."

Just as Bud finished speaking, the sound of the ringing burst forth again, this time accompanied by two additional sounds.

One of the sounds was familiar to both Jason and Bud, while the other was something only Bud could comprehend. The situation grew more intriguing and potentially perilous, heightening their need to investigate further.

As the sounds persisted, it became evident to both Jason and Bud that the first one was the repetitive knocking on a wooden surface, presumably a door.

They surmised that someone or something was urgently trying to gain entry.

The second sound, however, presented a mysterious twist. While Jason couldn't comprehend the unfamiliar language being spoken, Bud seemed to understand every word perfectly. The utterances turned out to be a name, calling out repeatedly.

"Elverum, open the door! I know you are in there. Quickly, open it!"

The name being called left little doubt that it was the persona that Jason had assumed, now lying lifeless in front of them. It seemed that someone was aware of Elverum's presence within the room and was urging him to reveal himself.

Bud then without wasting a sec told everything Jason.

"What should I do now, I can't even know what's he saying" Jason voiced out his concern.

"Considering the situation, it's evident that whoever is outside knows that Elverum is inside. If we delay any further, he might either break in or call for backup, causing even more chaos."

"Since we now possess Elverum's identity, our current appearance will overwrite the memories of anyone who knew him. However, after injecting his DNA, significant changes will occur in your body."

"If he sees us before and after the injection, he might raise suspicions about such drastic changes in a short time. Therefore, we must quickly cover our appearance as much as possible before opening the door."

"Let me take control of the body, as you won't understand his language or be able to respond to his answers. Time is of the essence, and we need to act swiftly." Bud's response was decisive as he prepared to take charge.

"All right, we'll proceed with your plan, but how do I let you take control of the body?" Jason inquired.

"Just think about allowing me to gain control over the body," Bud replied.

Following Bud's instructions, Jason relinquished control of his body, and in an instant, he found himself unable to command his own movements. It was a bizarre sensation, one he struggled to put into words, as he had never experienced anything like this before.

"So, this is how Bud feels when I am in control," Jason mused, gaining a new perspective on their unique shared consciousness.

After taking charge of the body, Bud swiftly donned multiple layers of hoodie clothing to give the appearance of a larger and bulkier figure. Meanwhile, the knocking and calling at the door persisted, and with each passing second, the intensity of the noise escalated, creating a sense of urgency and tension in the room.

After wearing multiple layers of clothing the weight had increased so much that the weak body couldn't maintain his balance still Bud somehow maintain the balance went outside the room.

'I had to put something which will increase my height or it will create some doubt' Bud thinks as he searched for things that he could use to increase his height.

"Elverum, it's Miss Alaia from school. I came to check on you because you haven't been coming to school for the past five days."

"Tomorrow is the test for the All Scholar Academy, and it's crucial for your future. I know something happened with Van on your last day at school, but he's a good kid and he's been crying, thinking he's the reason for your absence."

"It was just a mistake, and he didn't mean it. Please reply, Elverum."

"You are one of the best students we have, and you can't afford to miss the test tomorrow. It's important for your future."

"I know you're inside; your landowner confirmed you haven't left the room for the past five days. Don't ignore me, Elverum."

"If you don't come out in 10 seconds, I'm going to break this door, even if it means facing punishment. This is serious, Elverum, please come out." Miss Alaia's voice carried both concern and urgency as she continued to knock on the door.

As Bud listened to Miss Alaia's urgent pleas, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. His smile hinted at the fact that he had finally found what he was searching for all this time.

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