Chapter 76:Talks with Miss Alaia

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

Chapter 76:Talks with Miss Alaia

As Bud listened to Miss Alaia's urgent pleas, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. His smile hinted at the fact that he had finally found what he was searching for all this time.

On the other hand, Jason, who was currently an observer within the body, felt a strange sense of bliss emanating from Bud. Curiosity enveloped Jason, wondering why Bud was suddenly experiencing such emotions.

However, he couldn't understand the language Miss Alaia was speaking, and as Bud was the one in control of the body, Jason couldn't intervene or ask any questions. So, he decided to remain silent and watch the unfolding events, trusting that Bud had a reason for his actions.

The urgency in Bud's demeanour made it clear that this was not the time to disturb him with questions, so Jason patiently observed everything from inside the body, waiting for the moment when he could gain more clarity on the situation.

Meanwhile, Bud quickly gathered some boxes and placed them a few inches away from the door, which Miss Alaia was incessantly knocking on.

He climbed on top of the boxes, covering himself and the boxes with the large hoodies he was wearing. With a size of at least 8 feet long, the hoodies easily concealed most of the boxes, ensuring that when he opened the door, the person outside wouldn't notice him standing on top of them.

Bud carefully strategized his actions, knowing that the injected DNA would likely increase his height significantly. With a sense of certainty, he anticipated the potential outcome, estimating that his height could reach at least 6.5 feet, if not more.

In preparation for this transformation, he placed the boxes strategically, considering the approximate height he would attain, Once the DNA was injected. He skillfully climbed onto the boxes, positioning himself accordingly.

Before things could escalate beyond Bud's control, he opened the door slightly, making sure the boxes remained hidden from the outside view.

Peeking his head out, Bud's hoodies provided extra coverage, skillfully obscuring half of his face. With almost his entire body, including his face, concealed by the baggy clothes, Miss Alaia would not be able to notice any significant changes in his appearance.

When they will to meet again after Jason injected the DNA, they could easily offer explanations to any questions regarding features and appearance according to their body at that time, attributing it to mere variations in his style or clothing choices.

The discreet manoeuvre ensured that no suspicion would be raised, allowing Bud to interact with Miss Alaia confidently and without drawing attention to himself.

After peeking out, Bud's eyes fell upon a lady with vibrant orange hair, standing at nearly 6 feet tall. Her lean body and pretty face, framed by glasses, gave her a striking appearance.

Though Bud had seen more beautiful beings, he couldn't deny her attractiveness. Despite this, he decided to stay silent, employing a psychological tactic to potentially gain the upper hand in the forthcoming conversation.

By allowing Miss Alaia to pose the first question, he could gauge her intentions and responses, giving him the opportunity to steer the conversation in a direction that would be most advantageous.

While it may seem like a subtle move, Bud understood the significance of answering questions strategically, ensuring that he could control the flow of the discussion and extract any information he needed without revealing too much himself.

This calculated approach allowed him to maintain a sense of authority and control over the situation, enabling him to navigate the encounter with precision and skill.

As Miss Alaia continued knocking on the door, it suddenly creaked open, and a person wearing a long hoodie with half his face covered peeked out.

Upon seeing the figure, she immediately knew that he was none other than Elverum. Unbeknownst to her, the real Elverum lay lifeless in another room of the same house, while the individual standing before her was entirely different.

Unbeknownst to Miss Alaia, a profound transformation had taken place. The moment the individual had emerged and assumed the identity of Elverum, something extraordinary occurred – they had become him in every aspect.

Concern etched on her face, Miss Alaia couldn't help but express her worry for Elverum. She observed his appearance, thinking he might be sick due to his current state. With a voice filled with genuine concern, she gently questioned him, urging him to confide in her.

"Elverum, are you alright? If you're feeling unwell, there's no need to be shy. Please tell me everything. If it's something serious, we can quickly take you to the hospital to check what's wrong."

"Tomorrow is a significant day, not just for you, but for all of us. Elverum, why aren't you saying something? Please, let me know what's bothering you."

"Ma'am, it's not that I am sick. For the past five days, I have been rigorously training my body to prepare for the test tomorrow. I wanted to focus all of my attention on the exam, as it serves as the foundation for my future," Bud confidently replied.

He had formulated this plan after learning about the All Scholar Academy (A.S.A) during his time with KØD.

While reading about various topics, he came across some information about the academy, although he didn't delve too deeply into it as it wasn't particularly relevant to him at the time. Nonetheless, he had gained some knowledge about it.

Bud was well aware of where he wanted to lead the conversation, and Miss Alaia's emotional demeanour helped him guide it effortlessly.

"Oh, I apologize for disturbing you during your training. I just wanted to check on you because you haven't attended school for the past few days, especially after what happened between you and Van."

"I mistakenly thought you might be upset about it, but it seems I was completely wrong. How foolish of me to assume that our one of the best students would be affected by such a simple event." Miss Alaia expressed her regret for intruding on his training and misunderstanding the situation.

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Alaia, but there's no need to worry about my well-being. I appreciate that you thought of me in such a caring manner," Bud responded, expressing both his gratitude for her consideration and his displeasure at being interrupted during his training.

He conveyed his thanks, indicating how much it meant to him that someone would think about him in such a way, especially knowing that the person they had assumed the identity of didn't have any parents or relatives to care for him from the memories of Jason.

"It's not such a big thing; it's our duty to care for our stud ents, and you are like our own child. Now that I know you are okay, I won't take more of your time. But remember to take some rest and don't push yourself too hard, especially since tomorrow is a big day."

"I'll say it again, make sure to rest properly and arrive before 9.00 o'clock; punctuality is crucial. Elverum, best of luck for tomorrow," Miss Alaia said, expressing her concern before finally leaving.

Bud kept the door open until he could no longer see Miss Alaia, and then he closed it, breathing a sigh of relief that everything had gone smoothly.

"From the emotions I am feeling, it seems everything went smoothly," Jason finally asked, seeking confirmation after the tension had cleared.

"For now, let me return control to you, and I'm transferring the entire conversation to you so that you can understand what we are talking about," Bud replied.

However, as soon as Bud relinquished control to Jason, he found himself struggling to take immediate command of the body, leading him to kneel down.

"Looks like I need to learn this quickly; otherwise, it could make me a laughingstock or even cost me my life if something like this happens elsewhere," Jason thought. He realized that while Bud seamlessly gained control when given the opportunity, he still had much to learn in swiftly mastering the body's commands.

{A/N: If you want to see the photos of Jason, his team members and Monster. Then join my patreo n now if you don't want to miss anything link is right below}


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