First Battle in GOFL Part 1

"Exactly! But there could be a chance that a strong opponent might arrive so let's make a proper plan. Before that, I need to read the report that Guo Ming gave me so that I can make sure what to do later."

"Su Xing, Mu Lan, Tuan Sing, Juan, four of you move in four directions and scout the area. If you find any troublesome people approaching us, then immediately return."

"Oh, by the way, four of you must choose one of the remaining others to bring with you. You can choose anyone except for Qing Yang, Guo Ming, and her."

Brian ordered them as soon as he got a chance to speak. He knew he had to take some risks to properly execute his plans. But, he didn't want his legion members to die an untimely death.

So, he asked four of the top five strongest disciples in this legion to scout the surrounding. As for Qing Yang, he was the strongest disciple in his legion. So, he kept him back in order to protect others. He needs Guo Ming as his assistant.