First Battle in GOFL Part 2

Roar! Roar! Kargggg! Karrggg!

The oxen and rhinos started roaring in pain. The massive amount of magma covered them and started burning their bodies.

"Oh my god! The commander is really awesome. He actually destroyed half of the forces of the enemy without even going serious." One of the disciples shouted with an astonished expression. 

"Commander is indeed amazing but it is also because those monsters were dumb. When the commander used the flames, they should have understood its intensity and used water."

"Unfortunately, they are not water elemental monsters so they used the earth element, and thus, they made a dumb mistake." Mu Lan shook his head and explained.

He shifted his eyes toward the others and rushed in an instant. He wasn't going to let the commander get all the glory. He clenched his fist and immense energy burst out of his fist.