Ceremony of Great Cleansing

After the powerful, heaven-reaching pillar of blood-crimson light soared into the skies, Galen's Blood Slaughter Domain dispersed like the strong light had pierced through it, allowing the people outside to see the situation inside.

"What happened? What is going on with that red light? Why does it give me such a terrible premonition?"

Countless high-ranking warriors interrogated the fleeing soldiers and surrendered Delarosan members for answers.

"Please take me away from me, Lord! I'll do anything you want and answer anything you ask! Just take me anyway from this place, please!" a terrified Delarosan member pleaded.

"Oh?" Duke Gamliel glanced at the Delarosan member with interest and disdain. "Aren't you from the Delarosa Household? You're a little too quick to flee your master, aren't you? Where is your loyalty?"