Dark Day

While Emperor Varan felt saddened by the unprecedented death toll, he also felt a little fortunate. Perhaps due to the Armstrong family's great destiny, the imperial palace did not get caught in the blood sacrificial zone.

That said, only his empress wife stayed in the imperial palace.

His daughters spent all their time at the Martial Hall, and the Armstrong family's branch members all moved to a place called Dragon Palace.

On the other hand, Bellor Ravesk of Duke Gamliel's faction and Lord Nuvemze of Duke Zohar's faction were not so fortunate. Their territories were all located in the blood sacrificial zone.

In other words, their entire families were wiped out—reduced to withered skins and bones.

"Arghhh—!!! Why did something like this happen? Why?!" Lord Nuvemze roared in anguish and sorrow as he lost everything. "What kind of heartless fiend would sacrifice so many lives!?"