A Chat With Jill

I just finished eating the food that Jill made for me. To be honest, this is my first time eating her food, except the time I was a kid. It's very tasty and it also shows her experience in cooking.

"How was the food?" Jill asks as she clears the plates away.

"It was very very delicious. If there is another word greater than the word 'delicious' then it would be the perfect word."



"Is my food more delicious than Misty's own?" Jill asks with excitement showing on her face.

Sigh… Why is she so jealous of Misty?

"Actually, I don't know what to say, because Misty barely cooks. Aurora does all the cooking and the house chore, so If I were to compare yours with Aurora's own, then yours will be the best." I tell her as i relax into the comfy chair, and continue watching the program that is being displayed on the holographic TV.