Jill's Sister...

"Wait, I'm exhausted." I say in a low voice.

"Eh, I…I was just excited to go for another round. Are you going to sleep over tonight?" Jill asks and removes her hands from my shorts.

"You know that is impossible. I have to sleep at home, I don't want to get in trouble with Misty. Well, if things become settled between you two, you'll join us over there or I'll spend some nights with you." 

"Sigh… Can Misty and I ever settle our conflict? I hope we settle it, because I don't like the distance between me and my daughter. Furthermore, if you go to college we won't see you as often." Jill says with a sigh.

"Actually, the current system is different from before. Students can now work while schooling and they can also go to their various houses on weekends." I reply with a shrug.

"Wow, that sounds so cool and very different from our time."

"Wait a minute, your time? This is so confusing. I thought you only attended Springfield high school."