Wedding Day [part 1]

District A, upper class. 

Date: Sun/10/ 5020

Location planet: Earth (Mana spawn 9)


 Chirp~ Chirp~ Chirp~

The sound of mutated birds slowly float into my ears. Hearing a scuffling sound, I open my eyes in a flash, and the figure of Misty appears next to me under the comfy bed sheet. I look to my right side but it's vacant. Aurora is not here.

 "Awww~!" I let out a loud yawn, causing Misty to blink her eyes a few times before finally opening them. 

"Morning, honey~!" She says, flashing a wide brilliant smile at me.

Damn, why is she so cute.

"Good morning, sweetheart~!" I also tell her while moving my hand forward, before grabbing and pulling her closer so I can plant a kiss on her red plump lips.

Misty also responds by getting up a little, swinging her left thigh across my body and then places her ass on my crotch. She then places her hands on my chest while her pussy presses against my shaft.