Jake vs Zamira

"Jake Mystro? My younger sister's son?" Zamira asks, her face showing confusion.

"You're absolutely right, dear aunt," I reply with a bright smile. I observe Zamira, detecting traces of annoyance and intense anger.

Suddenly, she points her sword at me.

"Are you here for the coronation ceremony?" Zamira questions, retracting her sword. The air of violence diminishes, but a simmering intensity remains as a warning.

"Yes," I truthfully answer.

Zamira gazes at me silently for a few moments, her thoughts unspoken.

"Do you know that after the coronation ceremony, you'll be one step away from becoming the king? The vampires will look up to you until the current king transfers the crown or passes away. I don't understand why Father has chosen you as the crown prince and is even willing to awaken from his slumber to give you the crown," Zamira reveals. There's an undercurrent of emotion in her voice, as if she's concerned—not for herself or me—but for the vampire citizens.