Repelling Energies

Witnessing the unfolding events, Zamira's countenance contorts into an expression of stupefaction. My effortless annihilation of her attack leaves her bewildered. I must admit, her assault possessed considerable potency, and had I not been proficient in channeling my Ki, I would have sustained grave injuries or even faced the dire prospect of death. What on earth was she attempting? Was she truly aiming to terminate my existence?

Abruptly, Zamira hurtles toward me, clutching her sword firmly in a reverse grip.

Observing her impending maneuver, I swiftly retrieve a sword from my inventory.

"I am no novice in the art of swordsmanship either," I remark, grasping my white Katana blade in a manner mirroring her own. The Katana, a weapon of regal caliber, finds its place in my possession.