Surprising Zamira

"Tch... He departed, huh," Blair mutters, sheathing her sword with a touch of annoyance.

Suddenly, two figures land in front of her, their expressions filled with concern.

"Blair, are you alright?!" Anne and Hayes inquire, rushing towards her.

"Yes, I'm fine..." Blair replies, her confusion still evident.

"Idiot! You should have allowed us to assist you! Cease this recklessness!" Hayes bellows, shaking Blair's shoulders.

"Hehe, I'm fine. By the way, that was quite exhilarating. My abilities felt slightly more manageable after engaging in combat with that individual," Blair states, flashing a smile, which elicits sighs from Anne and Hayes.

"That's good to hear, but why did he attack you? Have you encountered him before?" Anne curiously questions, her eyes gleaming with intrigue.

"I have never crossed paths with him before. However, he referred to himself as Wavagi, the god of Beer," Blair replies with a chuckle.